Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/194

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164 FlFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 252. 1896. east of Botanic Garden; and one in Gartield Park;_ five in all, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, three thousand six hundred dollars. W¤¥°°°l**· V•- d For watchman, to care for the monument and wharf at Wakefield, whiz? MMM an Virginia, three hundred dollars; the wharf to be used by the public under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed therefor by the Secretary of War. C°¤¤*¤8°¤*•*P“*·*°°· For contingent and incidental expenses, five hundred dollars. ,;‘j*`_j,°·,fLQ‘;§*u'§,‘,“§,§,',{ snrm, wm, Arm NAVY nmrmrmnnr nurrnme. ¤¤·¤·¤¤zi¤•¤¤··¤'¤°· Office of the superintendent: For one clerk of class one; chief engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; eight assistant engineers, at one thousand dollars each; captain of the watch, one thousand two hundred dollars; two lieutenants of the watch, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; fifty-eight watchmen; carpenter, one thousand dollars; machinist, plumber, and painter, at nine hundred dollars meh; four skilled laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; twenty-eight iiremen; ten conductors of elevators, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; twenty laborers; and eighty charwomen; in all, one hundred and twenty-one thousand three hundred and eighty dollars. hel. 1is1¤¤.•*¤- For fuel, lights, miscellaneous items, and repairs, thirty-seven thousand nve hundred dollars. Nw: D•1¤•r¤¤¤¤¢· NAVY DEPARTMENT. Pay or s•m¤¤-,v. OFFICE 01* THE SEGBETABY; For compensation of the Secretary

  • "°""** “°‘ of the Navy, eight thousand dollars; Assistant Secretary of the Navy,

four thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand tive hundred dollars; clerk to the Secretary, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; disbursing clerk, two thousand two hundred and Appmmme wk. tlfty dollars; appointment clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; P""·*’·“‘· one clerk of class four; one clerk of class four in charge of illes and records; three clerks of class three; stenographer, one thousand six hundred dollars; stenographer, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk of class two; four clerks of class one; one clerk, one thou sand dollars; telegraph operator, one thousand dollars; carpenter, nine hundred dollars; two messengers; three assistant messengers; two messenger boys, at four hundred and twenty dollars each; messenger boy, three hundred and sixty dollars; one laborer; one clerk of class one, and one laborer (for Inspection Board); one clerk of class one dor Examining and Retiring Board); in all, fifty thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. Bureau er Nsvnm- BUREAU or NAVIGATION: For chief clerk, one thousand eight hun- “°“· tired dollars; two clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; three clerks of class one; tour clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one copyist ; one copyist, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one assistant messenger; three laborers; in all, twenty-six thousand one hundred and twenty dollars. sm¤nm¤:.°n¤¤ OFFICE or NAVAL Rmconns or rum Rrmm.L1oN: For two clerks of

    • °’**"‘°°· class four; one clerk of class three; one clerk of class two; two clerks

of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two copyists; four copyists, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; necessary traveling expenses for collection of records, six hundred dollars; in all, sixteen thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. ti ;;·¤ri¤·¤i¤g 1·¤b1i¤•- For continuing the publication of the Official Naval Records of the vé.1.zs.p. mo. Rebellion, both Union and Confederate, in accordance with the plan adopted by the Secretary of the Navy under the Act of Congress approved July thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, eighteen thousand dollars. vnidcigjoguggpivn For printing, binding, and wrapping one thousand additional copies ‘ "’ "of series one, volumes one, two, three, and four, for supplying officerc