Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/560

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530 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Simss. II. CHS. 230, 231, 234. 1897. as said company may deem to their interest to construct along and _ upon the right of way and depot grounds herein provided for. nxmsmu to mins Sec. 3. That the said railway company shall have power to construct, §f§,§3l"‘“*I“°'°” T" equip, and operate a branch or extension from its main line, starting at or near Bartlesville. Indian Territory, and running thence in a south or southeasterly direction, a distance of not to exceed thirty miles, to coal and other mineral lands or mines which are operated or may hereafter be operated in the Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory ; and for such purposes the said railway company is hereby empowered to acquire and occupy a right of way of the same dimensions, by the same methods, and for the same compensation as provided for in the original Act approved December twentydirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-three. Approved, February 15, 1897. HAP. .— To am nc "An Ac am nd ‘ Act to dsec i n -

 fom- hundredjbf tit:leAf(ifty-twogoflthe Rewiiiggd Siatutés of the alllliailied Stattesfpddhccrning the regulation of steam vessels} approved August seventh, eighteen hundred

` and eighty-two," and also to amend section forty-lbur hundred and fourteen, title fifty-two, of the Revised Statutes, "Regu1ation of steam vessels." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Steam vessels- States of America in Oemgress assembled, That "An Act to amend ‘An ,,.E;‘{’,£;}‘i,$’.‘f“ °f l“`u° Act to amend section forty·four hundred of title fifty-two of the Revised F~_ S- 4414- r- 8% Statutes of the United States, concerning the regulation of steam ves- ""°"°°'L sels,’ approved August seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-two;" and also to amend section forty~four hundred and fourteen, title fifty- two, of the Revised Statutes, “Regulation of steam vessels," approved March first, eighteen hundred and ninetyifive, the last paragraph of section two, page three hundred and ninety-nine, Supplement to Revised Statutes, volume two, be amended so that it will read as follows: , Mileage nllvwvwe “Every inspector provided for in this or the preceding sections of "°°“°°°‘ this title shall be paid his actual and reasonable traveling expenses or mileage, at the rate of five cents a mile, incurred in the performance of his duties, together with his actual and reasonable expenses for transportation of instruments, which shall be certified and sworn to under such instructions as shall be given by the Secretary of the Treasury." Approved, February 15, 1897. February 10, 1897. CHAP. 234.-An Act To provide for appointment by brevet of active or retired { ~ —·· ·—— officers of the United States Army. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Army. States of America in Congress assembled, That all officers of the Regular b lgglzggiigg Army of the United States, active or retired, who served in the volununteer mu;.teer forces during the late war, may, at the discretion of the President, receive a brevet in the Regular Army equal to the highest rank held or the highest brevet received in the said volunteer forces and be commisrmsnq. sioned accordingly as of the date of such brevet: Provided, That they °°“°‘"°“‘ have not already received a brevet of equal or higher grade in the Regular Army. Received by the President, February 4, 1897. [Nom BY run Dnrsnrmrmr or S*rA·rn.—The foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.]