646 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 385. 1897. sswmi Assistant 012*1*101: OF THE sncorm ASSISTANT 1=osTn1AsTEn-GENERAL. Postmaster-General. I¤1¤ml mil ¤¤¤¤· Forinland mail transportation, namely: Inland transportation by star ’°§{§:'§’§',;,,,,,_ routes, including temporary service to newly established offices, five million four hundred and nfty thousand dollars. Swmmt ¤*“°°¤· For inland transportation by steamboat routes, four hundred thousand dollars. Memnser mvice- For mail-messenger service, one million dollars. And the Postmas ter-General may, in his discretion, use not exceeding the sum of one hundred and iiity thousand dollars of this amount in the transportation _tg’¤¤¤¤>¤¤¤ *¤b¤¤» of mail by pneumatic tube or other similar devices, by purchase or ' otherwise. W¤sc¤.e:c.,¤¤rvie¤. For regulation, screen, or other wagon service, seven hundred and ten thousand dollars. B¤z¤·¤¤wh¤r¤·¤¢¤- For mail bags and mail-bag catchers, cord fasteners, label cases, and for labor and material necessary for repairing equipment, three hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Wks *°Y¤·°*°- For mail locks and keys, chains, tools, and machinery, and for labor and material necessary for repairing same, forty-ve thousand dollars. R°*‘°*"""** For the purpose of enabling the Postmaster-General to rent a building for a mail-bag repair shop and lock·repair shop, and for fuel, gas, watchmen and charwoman, oil, and repair of machinery for said shops, eight thousand five hundred dollars. R""'°'“* ’°“*"“‘ For inland transportation by railroad routes, of which a sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars may be employed to pay freight on postal cards, stamped envelopes, and stamped paper, and other supplies from the manufactories to the post-offices and depots of distribu- I_,“,LQf'{{§_’ *° S“"‘* tion, twenty-nine million dollars; and the Postmaster-General is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to pay from the foregoing appropriation for the special transter and terminal service between the Union Station at East Saint Louis, Illinois, and the Union Station at Saint Louis, Missouri, including the use, lighting, and heating of mail building, and the transfer service at Saint Louis, at the rate of not exceeding fifty thousand dollars per annum, beginning on the nrst day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. P°“`“m°° °“"‘ For railway post-office car service, three million six hundred thousand dollars. R°““°F“‘““°‘°’k’· For railway post-oliice clerks, eight million one hundred thousand dollars, of which sum not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars may be used to pay necessary traveling expenses of chief clerks and railway postal clerks traveling on duty under order of the Postmaster-General. caffigfje ¤¤·‘ °¤‘**¤ For inland transportation of mail by electric and cable cars on routes _not exceeding twenty miles in length, two hundred and fifty thousand §j,‘;fp'f{_m,°,,_ dollars: Proridcd, That the rate of compensation to be paid per mile shall not exceed the amount now received by companies performing said service; and the Postmaster-General shall report to Congress at _ _ _ its next regular session the prices paid for such service. S*’“°'“"“°““’°“· For necessary and special facilities on trunk lines from New York and Washington, to Atlanta and New Orleans, one hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and thirty-eight dollars and seventy- fQ;'g{;';m_ five cents: Provided, That no part of the appropriation made by this paragraph shall be expended unless the Postmaster-General shall deem g _ such expenditure necessary in order to promote the interest of the h;,":,:; "°' postal service. In the discretion of the Postmaster-General, any unexpended balance of the appropriation for the Hscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, for necessary and special _ facilities on trunk lines, may be used for other fast-mail facilities. ,°{f§§k§““”P°m“°" All railway companies carrying mail may furnish free transportation on the line of their respective roads to railway mail clerks. €=•¤¤¤li¤¤¤¤=·¢¤i¤¢¤- For rental of canceling machines for use in postal cars, seven thousand _ five hundred dollars. M““’°"““°°““· For miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars.
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