Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/953

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INDEX. Civil Service Commission-Continued. Pam Clijford, Mr. Justice, Pageappropriation for contingent oxpousos, sta- portrait of. transferred to \Vi1Iiam Henry tionory, etc ... . .. 172,571 Clitford . ... . ... 758 for printing and binding . . . 452 Clifton, Claims, appropriation for consul at .. . 35, 586 appropriation for defending suits in .. 449 Clinton River, Mich., for prosecution, ctc., of . 449 appropriation for improvement of 226 for defense, Indian deprodation .. . . . 449 Clothing, Army, dciicioucy appropriation for paying judg- appropriation for manufacture, ctc .. 67, 615 ments United States courts 26, 305 C0",. and Gmdmc S,".wy for p¤yi¤.·;.i¤<¤g¤¤<>¤¤. C¤¤¤¤5>f CMMS- - 26, 305 appropriution for tieldyoxpouscs .. 422 for paying judgments, Indian doprcda- E". s¤rv°ys Alaskan (roast ______________ 422 Wm --------·-------------------—-— r · t st r —¤ .- .. 42 ¤¤r¤i6¤<1 by =w¤<>¤¤¢i¤g <>¤i<=5¤¤¤ - - --------- 306 rgiggilgiindaon?1:1:gg:ia0¤»1 owamc 2 convention referring, of British soalors to Association ____ _________ _____ 423 a °°mmi$¤i0n ~---·-- · -·~------- -·-_- 844 for repairs, etc., vessels 423 P¤*°h¤§0 0*} fof {mu"? {6%; °t°-v by °HJ‘ for superintendent, assistants  :. 423 pc $$1 1>r<>h¤b¤¢¤•¤ ---------------- - - - - gg? rm mm rom . . . ... 423 ··---- - ··-·· · - - - ···-·—--~-·- — --·ffi n s . 4 Claims, Court of (sec Court of Claims). fg; grigziggpgugcbinding _______________ gg Claim?, D- Cv _ . I doliciaucv appro riation for C. H. Bovd. -- 277 l‘8h€3IL1;§ :§ Lionel of public works, ro- for E gcodfcfow ______ ______ f _____ 277 · ·—--—- - - ···-···--—-- - ·-·- f art .. . . . . . . . - Flardy, Bf""}""?" J·» chsrigo inysizgatiziczf annual report to be 307 land patent in fw to issue to . 360 Printed ______ ____ ______ _____ 471 Clark, UrIqina. J. (widow), Coast Defensmb . C,P'f;’};’“( '¤°T°“¤°d ---— · --··--- - -·----— --— - 764 appropriation for sites for - . 257, 641 doticionoi; appropriation for Ford’s Thea- C°°°m`° Haw I8l""d* R' 1* tm; disaster 274 { appropriation for training station, appren- Clatakanie Rem 0n};: `````````_-`` I ```````` “°°“ ····························· 36*650 survey Og diréctcd; ______ 242 I for wur college ond torpedo sc]100l 362, 650 Clmnm wr Fla d¤fic1•mcyz1ppropr1at1,on for ropmn, college ) *9' preliminary examination of harbor to be Coamwogmming ’‘'‘‘'‘‘‘‘'’"‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘ 22 made .. 236 ’ A C1¤¤¤¤··#•=qRq=¢r, Jaap, c,‘},Ef’§°,}’,,f’,§$f' f" °‘"“““1 "‘ ······ · ····· ·· 35* 586 ar·r~¤··¤¤=·*=·;_¤ tg 1% °v;°m°“t °f '`‘‘ 234 doliéionoy appropriation for contested elec- Clemdmin Sap ia .ow . · C,2:;·:;¢·i;¤,z;·;::€;;-j.»;,-»;,;,}.;.;;i·,;.; ··-······ *3* ¥¥¥»’·#‘?‘¥°'?$“ ’’`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘ ‘ ‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘ 3°" appropriation {br, clegks, ctc .. 143, 511 \ C gov ¤·¤v¤¤v·>¤··"=¤* °f" ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 215 Clcrlca and Jlcascnyers, Army, €uSi0u’i"m_8_N;h 7,,7 appropriation tht, at hemlqum·ters, etc.; CJZW d. 4l _ e ] ;I}( 'lé ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ apportionment; .. . . . . .. 61 610 ‘ 1 . ‘ . . , . Cm h l u 8 8 t (,0 1 itle 8 ¤ ;J]LE;opr1nt1011 for fulhlling treat) ww nth.. . 396 appropriation for, Senate. .. . . . . 141 538’ · - _ - ,. •. tb Home of R°P1_°S°umtives IM; M2 nporofrnntxou for consul at . . 3.», .»8 > Clvrka at Vonsulafea, Coggugasgfol umpanm ..88 appropriation for ...,... . . . . 36, 588 X P y _ '` f ’` , °’'````'`'`'`` ° ‘ crm-B, :m·um·¤ znpmnienz, , 6¢>0¤¤·¤!L kw 1>¤v·¤ <¤·»d¤••·), distribution, may be changed temporarily Cggnswnig- -· ·-~·· · ·—·-  ; ··---- *08 by Scc]·ctury_ U'!' , ih, I all}, (I 9 (I A(l)V¢’8¢N (I ll'!' Clerks lo Conunitteeza, · _ i" ( °”!I"•""’» _ am,mI,,.;,m,,“ yo!. S·inat° at $2 220 n (IBBClEl]CX l\[\[)I'()!\|'llItl0l\ for wuluw. .. 30.2 )-Uma ________ ____ ______ ______ 14% 538 Cogawcjl, if olbuv [hi 4; ~g_w0 ____ _ ____ _ __ ______ 141 -39 . pension mm-emser ,,_, , _________,,,_,_,___ an $1,800 .. . . 141; gas 7 €<>*···¤» _ _ _ _ _ for House of Representatives, annual. 144, 542 i “I’P"°P““F*°¤ fi"` *m¤¤P°¥'h¤S NIV8F ----·· 429 Committee on Elections . . . . 144, 542 · fj); ;:;g}n:§:: gfm ------··-·-· · ---- - -- - session . . . . 144, 542 · ° En > ‘ _"°*` ···— · --·- ; -·-—··---- - Clerks lo Jlemhrrs and Delegates, f°l`_I`°°°m“B°: I'*}BS}‘°» BW-» mW0i' ·- -—·- 429 npp;·.,ppim;i0¤ {0;- ______________________ 145, 543 dciicmncgysnpproprxutxon forrecoxuagqetc., doticioncy appropriation ibn-., ..,... , . 302 . _ mmm' ··-·—-· ; -·----··—--· ; —··· ~·-· 269 Riembers elect, entitled from commence- P“mshm°*}* f°Y I{“¤¤¤§» OW-; mutdawd--~ 620 mem: of term .. -- .. 543 €'¤M=¤s#¢z· RWM Mw-, _ _ g;,,.;,,, to Se,m,0,.,, · pmhmmary examination of, to be made -. 231 appropriation for .. 142,510 c°'¢"}“?*· C'¤!l**>¤ Gy _ _ Clerks, United Stale: Courts, dBi1C16B4S)' Spprepristxou for services ,.._._ 291 appropriation for foes. .. -.. ., 450 €0'¤'?§¤]•; H- Dvdivy, dotioieucy appropriation for foes.- . .- 25, 298, 310 d°¤°*°¥}CY 8PP¥'°P¤¤·$¤0¤ fo1` ¤0¤W$t€d C180- authorized to administer oaths . .. 184 _ t*°¤_°XI?°“s“ —-··-··--·-- ;· —----— ·- 303 mpg"; on (.mup€¤sm,i°n on m be made ____ 185 Collection: Qastrwts (sec Ports of Lutry and Cleveland Bridge Company, D°]}“’YY)- may bridge Arkansas Rivcr ______ _ _______ 531 Collectors qj ntmjnal Revgnue, Uhm1a" d Umm apgroprmtnon for solories, om .. ..-- 156,wn appropriation for improvement of harbor; d°h°*°“°Y “PPY°P“3t‘°¤ fvr ----· · --·-·-·- 273 contracts - . 209 Colleciofs Ojicc D. G., ostiuuxto for repairs to piers, atc., to be appropriation; for salaries; deputy to be submittew . -. .. . ... 469 appointed; duties . ... 394,666