Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/987

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964 mnmx. Library of Congrua-C0utin11od. P=¤:¤- Light-House Board—C0utinued. PW"- appropriation for fuel lighte, repairs, ctc. 545 I to rescribo lights, ctc., on bridge across » 8 P lg for furniture, expenses of removal, ctc. . 546 . Cahabn. ivcr, Ala - 390 bond of Librnnuu .. . . 546 · Calumet River I11 . .-.. 76 annual report to be submitted . . . . 546 , Chattahoochee, River, Columbia, Alu . .. 94 for printing and binding .. -. ... 453Columbia River, Wash. .. --.. .. 501 deficiency appropriation for cnmplctiug Corpus ?hristi Channel, Tex ... 111 building .. . 26 ; Cnmber and River Ky. -.-. ..-. 508 for additional assistants . . . . 27 Q Illinois and Mississippi Canal .. .--. 79 ibr contingent expenses .. . . 300Illinois River, Grafton, Ill .. 132 construction of new building to be under A Lake Saint Francis, Ark .. , . 46 Bernard R. grae!:].. Eg . 470 i Mississippi River, Aitkiu County, Minn. 63 expenses etc. to 0 uu er crotary of the * Saint ouis M0 .. . .. . | . . . Tréasur} .. . . · .. . . . . 470 , Missouri RIVBQ', Boonville, Mo .. 139 ciliccr in chargofof clgénzltructicn to assumeghamberlaiu, S. Dak .. . ..,.., 56 custody 0 bu'ctc 545 l aint Charles Mo . . . .. . .. 196 to appoint employees, d51mi; removal, etc- 546 Monondgahelu. Ri§rex·,A11egheuy C0u¤ty,Pa 497 disbursements; compensation .. -- - - 546 Bra dock to MitHiu, Pa . . . 495 vacated space in Capxtol not to be 0ccu· McKusport, Pa .. . ... 596 L b ggciuugl aglslwrizod by Congress.. 5-16 | gilagzra River, Lgwistou, N. Y .. . . . . 134 i rary, . . ee u icac ita River onroe, La .-.. 515 L cstab1isbod,’pri\*ilegos, trustees, etc .. 244 I Rod River, Alegandria, La -.. . . - 498 iwnscs, » above Fulton, Ark ... . 493 to ccmmmslders a31d watch 0Scers of regis- j Rod\Rivor of the North, Grand Forks, 033 tcm vcssc s .. . 188 5 ". Dak .,.. - " to cugiuoers and assistants, American mer— Aétou, or Dm ton .. .. 533 a ves s .. . . . . * nn .. . ch nt sel 188 Mi dscta y 187 L to be fm; iigc years; renewal . .. -. 188 ‘ gubimi River, Oréango, Tex . IQ . .- 514 iceneea . . ‘ uint awrouco ivor Hogansb . . Y 604 issue af, to ;;ractico medicine and surgery- 200 x Saint Louis River, Fo;1d du Lacggiuu .- 456 “Lichtenf¢l• Brothers," Bark, , Tallabatchio River, Philipp, Miss .. . 191 American register tod “Ceres " and I Tennessee River, Ky ... . ..- 508 ' C nam? chsugodgali . . . . . 516 vvlslggygljeig 'fogaxs .. . .. gg Lug o .. . . L ap];r0p1iatiou for consul at .. 34, 586 hyhlgl)0 RiIj'r$:3§`;iT·Leauwwd, Miss . . .. . 629 ina, Lig t- one •ment: allowed storage companion, District of Co- A roprhtiou for supphos .. . . 418 lumbia. forchntgcn .. ---. .. 122 Par re airs etc . . . -. 419 for chnrgag; gmral average, etc., on im- for kolgpnrb .. ig,. . . 419 ortc go . .. 129 for expenses 0 g t vous - ... 419 on srig Iugdst for expenses of reclamation for buoiagc . .é3..-I. . 419 y ta es . . . . . . . . .. 434 for gas uoys. int awrcnco River 419 Herman, F rcdcrick, for expenses of fog signals. . . . . 419 pension .. 784 for lighting of rivers .. . ..- 419 Life-Saving Medals, ‘ for survuy of nikon, etc .. . .. 419 bestowul authorized in rescues from shi - deticionc appropriation for light-vessels. 276 P Y f vxrgzk 0E20E3i11g . .. . . gg; I for Absofon buoy depot, N. . .. . ${76 nm uio `. ynn .. for sn » v ics .. 276 D7 L(¥:*av-ing Service,for Wmimu Ludlow .. . .277 appropriation for superintendent, maint- for buoyngf .. . 307 unt, ctc .. .. .. . . . . 153, 558 I Light- Houn•·•,_ moons, and Ibg Signals, got auperintondeutn ... . . ... 4g I npipropriamkri for Spring Point Ledge. Me. 417 or onpcrn . ... 4* or L nn A use .. . . . 417 for crews .. 420 I mr P{um’Buwh, R. I . .. 417 for DEW stations . .. 420 for Fort Wadsworth, N. Y .. . .. . 417 dohciancy appropriation for 307, 311 for Staten Island deYot, N. Y ... 417 for commutation, revenne·mu·i¤e om- for gIah;;Rivor, D2 .. . 417 ccrs . .. . . . . 20 ‘ for mi Point, M ... 417 L ¢;_¤t£l0l’ity 20 bestow medals extended . 494 for GaIw·csten,BTcx.a)_¥tty .. -. .. 417 i c—· ring falions, for Sandusky ay io 4l" cstablislnigl; Grain; Boars Head, N. H . 527 for Saint Joscfrh, Mich., fog signal . 41; coast 0 New smpshire or Massachu- for Carlton Is and, N. Y . ... 417 Betts . . . 3&5 for Galloo Island, N. Y., fog sign•1 . 417 Mqrylmlel const .. . . . . . . 507 for Maurice River, X. J., range lights- -- 417 $0111; guitar b C in} -... . -. ..--. .- 121 for Portage Lake and River, Mich., ain em; a .,.-_,,__ _, __,.__-. ._., 536 range lights . ---. . -___, ___, ----_,,, 41" _ Pprt Huronjliich -- .--. , .---..-..-- 138for Big Sable, Mich., fo signal ..---.-. 41% hmnt on edition of annual report, removed- 466 for Mouomiueo, Mich., E: si nl. .----. 417 Life-Baring Testimonials f Do `Is Island Wi g gn 417 , or V1 s .--..- lppwpdhtion fof, to mllsicrs, etc., of for- for Yarba Buena hepot, Ca] --.--- . .. ---- 41g eign vesse s- - . . . ..-..- 30 582 for Coos Bay, Ore . range lights. .. 41 Lig7l¢·HM•ac Board, ’ for Fort Stevens, gxgeg ..---. - -. 418 appropriation for cbiefclerk, clerks., etc. 153, 552 for Umatilla Reef, Wash., vessel 418 to prnxriao liggts, ctc.i ou bridge across for oil houses 5011; stations ---- . . - . . . 418 . a uma ivcr, A u . . . . 598 fm- Fire Islam , '. Y. vessel .. . ..-.. 418 Allegheny River, Pittsburg, Pu ... . . 392 for Diamond Shoal, C., vessel . ... 418 gfklllliias Ri\Ef, Okla ...--. . --. {or §:udl·‘r¤u¤isc¢;, f3],,::;;;] . .--- ---- rw Yer, u..-- .. .. ‘_ or u ex-,saco¤• inri .. . ... Caddo Lake, Mcoringsport, La .. . . . 485for tender, seventh and dghth districts. 418