Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/993

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970 INDEX. Military Academy—C0ntinned. Page- [ Military Reaerrutiomr, Abandoned, P¤g¤· appropriation for postage, stationery, appropriation for survey, sale, etc . 434 etc .. . . . -- 49,521 Fort Bidwell, Cal., to be used for Indian for transportation; printing. .. --.- 50, 521 training school . 698 for expenses, clopartnnent of cavalry, in Valverde County, reconveyed to San artillery, an infantry tactics . 50, 521 Felipe, etc., Company .. .-.. 126 civil and military engineering ... 50,522 selection by South Dakota of lands in Fort nnniral and experimental phi osophy 3, Ml Sully .,.. . ...,,..,, 189 ma ematics . . . . i itia, history, geo raphy, and ethics ... 50; 522 issue of Sprin field rifles to, authorized .. . 592 8 S chemistry, minemlogy, and geology. 50, 522 may use military parks for maneuvers, drawing .. . . . ... 51, 522 camps, etc . . . . . . 120 modern languages ... 51, 523 supplies for, may be purchased from Army hw..,. . _.:.. .. :  : . 51,523 ._ departments ,. .,..,. . .. 592 practical military engineering ... 51, 523 Mdma, D. U., ordnance and Eunnery . . 51, 523 i appropriation for expense-. .. . 412, 683 Maxim quic -Hring gun .. -. 523 Militia, Naval, for miscellaneous and incidental ex- 523 appropriation for arming and equipppenses 52 ; mg . ... .. 363 651 for library . ... 52; 523 V Mille Lacs Lake, Minn., ) for contingencies, academic board . 52,524 I preliminary examination oi, to be made; for band instruments, etc . 52, 524 , Mississippi reservoirs .. -. . . 237 for cooking utensils, laundry, etc . . 52, 524 Miller, John A., for buildings and grounds ; roads, walIs,53 24 deticiencydappmpriation for, Ford’s Then.- etc -- . , 5 ter isaster .. . . 274 for Waterworks, etc .. . ..- . 53, 524 Millcapc, Thomas H., for stone and gravel; cemetery . 53 `5g4 I duplicateflionds to administrator . . 710 or repairs etc .. . . , 5 ¤ Milwaukee, ia., for cadet bhrracks; hospital. . . 53, 525appropriation for improvement of harbor. 212 ger soldiers’ hospgalpeto ..., . . ..-. 53, 525 or improvement of harbor of refuge; 2 2 or repairs to ro s, uildings etc . 54, 525 contracts .- . .. . l - for new reservoir, ferry slip, etc -- .- 54 for expenses Volunteer Sol<liers’ Home. . 446 for cable coal railway .. 54 survey of harbor directed .. . . 243 gor plumbing, etc . - ... - 2: "Mindg&Bm, ‘ d or road to cemetery .. - .. . .. gran ericnn regxh r an uma for cavalry barracks . . . 525 changed to "Tlu·•e Brothers"..--.. 5 for guardhouse etc .. . . . . .. 525 Nine In•p•et•r• for repairs. qunrtermastefs stable, etc .- g25 Msppropriatizn for salaries; per diem 168, 567 f 1-re airstoroads --. . . 26 · mer enry . fg; iil¥q|_· beds, etc __,, _ _____ __,, ._,__, ,, 526 I deiioiency appropriation for contested-elecfor water-supply system 526 I I tion expenses .. . ... . . . . 304 for engineer barracks, etc ..,... . . . . 526 M•1•eralEutraea, Public Laude, deticiency appropriation for pay of ser- 9 lands ppsn to, ceded by Blackfoot Agency 357 ea t ,,_,,,,. , ,,,,,..,, .2 n mus . . . . . . . . for lgiyli _,,___,__,____,__,_,_,,,,,,,,, 307 ceded by Fort Belknap Indians . 358 oimplniirg duties; appointment _,,,, ,, ,,,, 8 ceded by San Carlos Reservation Indians, Military Attache': Abroad, Ariz . . .. . .. 360 a propriation for contingent expenses. .. 69, 617 Mineral- Land Lawn, Military Cmwicta, · extended to Colville Reservation, Wash. . . 9 appropriation for expenses . . . ..., . . . . 444 3;,,,,.,,; [Md,] Miliwy Ivfvmvfivn from ·4brv¤¢*. appropriation for commissioners to cimary, “Pt§’Y°P"“P'°n for chrk --·······-·--·--·· 63, 612 Northern Pacific Railroad land _ or contingent expenses c.:. .. . 69, 617 g,-,,,,4;,, ______ _ _ __ ___________________ 436 Miigfmr P¤rF·‘·, M¢•·>¤¤¢ (M P•rk¤, M¤k¢¤ry>- an publishing reports, sic .. . - . . 426 Jun'!"".'! W'}: f _ fonstenogruphers . ._ .. .. 436

  • P1};:°§;':l::; :`*;;'§ldi¤8¤• °t°·» W- --·- ·- deficiency appropriation for expenses of 22

r ---· · ·-········· - ···- = commissioners . for Fort Riley, Kane. . ... . .. 441 Mr""; 0;; {0* Fort Hanisouv Mmm -·-·-···-·-····· 441 lands containing, may be entered under for Fort D- A• Russell: Wyo ---- ---· -··- 441 lacer mineral claims _,., , ,.__,,,,, 526 for Bisn rck Y D k 441 P for l_·0n";V“ f!:°° umn; ' " ’''’‘ 441 Mineral Resources of fhe Cnited States, for Fort Buena Ah"] °'’'‘ " '‘ '"' 441 appropriation for preparing report on 436 I *"••'•’•’*'•'• , x for J etfersou Barracks, Mo., target range. 441 M€*‘”9 Cla"'": _ rm Yellowstone Pork . , . . . . . 442 my be entered by nkens ...--.--- 618 Military Ifeservatiomr, Ministers Plenipotenliary, etc., abandoned part of Folrt Assinpiboine, L appropriation for . .. .-.- 28, 579 Mont. opened to omeste entry · Mink etc ..:. .--. ---- ...: . 95 E proclamation declaring in etfeet laws proextension of treets through Fort Smith, hibiting killing ot] in Alaska, etc. .. 878 Ark., authorized; sale of lots, etc. -. 596 Minnuota, gent kgvis, gulp., opened to entry- -.éd- . . 123 { appropriation for surveyor-general, clerks,72 72 ori: mat ny eservation open to etc . . 1 , 5 homestead entry . ... 84 homestead entries allowed for canceled right of wsythrough Fort Spokane, Wash . 600 entries on Northern Paciiic grants. . 245 sale of part of Pikes Peak, Colo., to Colo- i right of way granted through certain Inrudo Springs . .. . . . . 97 g dian reservations in .. . . 92 use of Fort Lyon, by Colorado for soldiers' ’ sale of pine lands, reservations of Chiphome . . - ... . ... 531 i pews Indians .. . . . . 17