Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/427

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meeting to be called in such manner as shall be prescribed by the laws and ordinances of said corporation.

The president and directors bound to exhibit a statement of debts, credits, and funds of the bank, to the Secretary of the Treasury, &c.Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the president and directors of the said bank to exhibit, on the first Monday in January, in each year, or oftener if required, a statement of the debts, credits, and funds of the bank, to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, whose duty it shall also be to state to Congress, immediately thereafter, his opinion as to the solidity of said bank, and the causes of danger, if any, arising from the improper management thereof.

Penalty in case of refusal by the bank to pay in lawful currency, &c.Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That if the said bank shall at any time fail or refuse to pay, on demand, any bill, note or obligation issued by said bank, in lawful currency of the United States, if required, or shall neglect or refuse to pay on demand in like currency, if required, any moneys received by said bank on deposit, to the person or persons entitled to receive the same, then and in such case the holder of any such note, bill, or obligation, or the person or persons to demand and receive such deposit as aforesaid, shall respectively be entitled to receive and recover interest on the same at the rate of ten per centum per annum, from time of demand until the same be fully paid and satisfied. And further, It shall be lawful for Congress forthwith to revoke and declare this charter null and void.

President and directors to file a declaration accepting the charter, &c.Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That unless the president and directors, for the time being, of the said bank, on the part of the stockholders, file their declaration in writing in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, within thirty days from the time of passing this act, assenting to and accepting the charter granted by this act, upon the terms and conditions herein expressed, this act shall have no force or effect, and the charter hereby granted shall be void.

Capital limited to the amount of stock paid in on the first of Jan., 1819, &c.Sec. 22. And be it further enacted, That if the whole amount of the capital aforesaid of said bank, shall not have been paid in, on or before the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, then the capital stock shall be limited to the sum which shall at that time be paid in, and the books of subscription be thenceforth closed immediately, after which it shall be the duty of the president and directors to certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the whole amount of the capital of said bank so paid in.

Central Bank of Georgetown and Washington incorporated.Sec. 23. And [be] it further enacted, That all those persons, their legal representatives and assigns, who have heretofore subscribed certain articles of association, and formed a company or limited partnership, under the name and style of the president and directors of the “Central Bank of Georgetown and Washington,” and their successors, shall be, and they are hereby incorporated with the like capital, and limitation thereof, and with the like number of directors, and time and manner of electing them, and a president, as is hereinbefore provided in relation to the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank of Georgetown, and with only the difference herein specially provided and set forth, the said Central Bank of Georgetown and Washington, and the president and directors thereof, shall be subject to the rules, duties, regulations, conditions, and impositions, and be vested with the like rights, privileges, and immunities, as a body corporate, as appertain to the said Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank of Georgetown, and as if all the general provisions of this act were herein again repeated and enacted, with express reference to the said Central Bank of Georgetown and Washington.

Bank of Metropolis incorporated.Sec. 24. And be it further enacted, That all those persons, their legal representatives and assigns, who have heretofore subscribed certain articles of association, and formed a company, or limited partnership, under the name and style of the “President and Directors of the Bank of the Metropolis,” and their successors, shall be, and are hereby, incorporated, with the like capital and limitation thereof, with the like number of di-