Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/107

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68 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1897. Wl 2*- ¤» lm- and eighty-seven, ratitled by Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, eight thousand dollars; _ For pay of blacksmith, carpenter, and physician, and purchase of medicines, as per the eleventh article of said agreement, three thousand five hundred dollars; in all, eleven thousand five hundred dollars. Columbine and Col- COLUMBIAS AND COLVHLES. · vans (,1,,,,, m,,,,_ For annuity for Chief Moses, as per agreement of July seventh, eight- V•>1-2¤.n'¤•- een hundred and eighty-three, ratified by Act approved July fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, one thousand dollars; For employees as provided iu_ said agreement, ratified by Act of July fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, six thousand dollars; in all, seven thousand dollars. Creeks. CREEKS. _Po¤¤¤¤•¤¤ ¤¤¤¤i- For permanent annuity, in money, per fourth article of treaty of °‘°¢._.U v_3Q_ August seventh, seventeen hundred and ninety, and tlfth article of WL 1$·v·"°°- treaty of August seven eighteen hundred and ii —six one thousand n u uma denm g · ’ ve un · For permanent amiuity, in money, per second article of treaty of June vcr ·1.p.¤•. sixteenth, eighteen hundred and two, and ilfth article of treaty of ·v•1.n,p·m0. August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, three thousand dollars; For permanent annuity, in money, per fourth article of treaty of v.,;, 1, P, m. January {twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth v,,,_u_,,_·m article o treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, • twenty thousand dollars- For pfmtnsttantuiti for nlacksmith and assistant, and for shops Vol-7.r-287- and too s per cig th artic e 0 treaty of January twenty-fourth eight- . V"' “""°°` een hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article of treaty of August senenth, eighteen hundred and fifty six, eight hundred and forty do lars- For permanent annuity for iron and steel for shop, per same articles and treaties, two hundred and seventy dollars; For permanent annuity for the pay of a wheelwright, per same articles of same treaties, six hundred dollars; imma. For live per centum interest on two hundred thousand dollars, for V°* “·l*"°’· purposes of education, per sixth article of treaty of August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, ten thousand dollars; For interest on two hundred and seventy-dve thousand one hundred and sixty-eight dollars, at the rate of hve per centum per annum, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, under vn. r4.p.rsv. provisionsof third article of treaty of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight dollars and forty cents; in all, forty-nine thousand nine hundred aud sixty- eight dollars and thrty cents. deljzzngggnztizr Upon the properly authenticated demand of the Creek Nation made rm, p. sm.after the passage of this Act the_Secretary of the Interior shall, through an officer of the Government, disburse three hundred and.thirty-three thousand dollars of the meney in the Treasury of the United States belonging to the Creek Nation of Indians, only for the payment of the 5;;:%) be Mmm debgsg theigcvermnent of the Creek Nation: Provided, That no debts _mm,uab,¢mn8,,,_m_ sha] _ pai until by investigation the Secretary of the Interior shall mm, em be satisfied that said nation of Indians incurred said debt or issued its warrants representing the same for a full and valuable consideration ang thatbthere was no fraud in connection with the incurring of said de t or the issue of warrants. Crowe _ CROWS. V<>L22·1>·43- For the sixteenth of twenty-five installments as 'dgd ‘ - ment with the Crows, dated June twelfth, eighteen hiindred andueighty,