Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1115

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 424. 1899. 1077 For custom—house at Baltimore, Maryland: For purchase of additional B’·m¤¤>*°· Mdland in the square now occupied by the custom house in said city, one hundred thousand dollars. _ For Treasury buildin g at Washington, District of Columbia: For Tr¤¤5¤¤ryb¤i1•1i¤g¤. repairs to Treasury, Butler, and Winder buildings, eighteen thousand W°°hmgt°"’D`C‘ two hundred and eighty-two dollars. Fire·Alarm System, Treasury Department: For maintenance of the Fi¤=·¤l¤¤¤ ¤y¤t¤r¤- automatic tire-alarm system now in the Treasury and Winder buildings, two thousand six hundred and twenty-tive dollars. For repairs and preservation of public buildings: Repairs and pres- 1{+¤pair¤ end preserervation of custom-houses, court-houses, and post-offices, marine hospi- `"‘°’°“‘ tals, and quarantine stations, and other public buildings and the grounds thereof under the control of the Treasury Department, three hundred and forty thousand dollars; of which amount the sum of hfty thousand dollars to be used for the marine hospitals and quarantine stations: Provided, That of the sum hereby appropriated not exceeding Qiggggtmdeum ten thousand dollars may be used, in the discretion of the Secretary of ` the Treasury, in the employment of superintendents and others at a rate of compensation not exceeding for any one person six dollars per day. For repairing the house in which Abraham Lincoln died, being the w§§‘_§ff‘*_,§“,;rf,’,fa‘;f‘},{;{} property of the United States, three thousand eight hundred and thirty- ccln died. three dollars and fifty cents, the same to be expended under the direction of the Chief of Engineers. . MARINE HOSPITALS. r Marine Hospitals. ' For marine hospital at Boston, Massachusetts: For laundry building, Boston, Mm. five thousand dollars. For marine hospital at Cleveland, Ohio: For isolation ward and mor- Cl·=v¤l¤¤·i·0l¤i<>· tuary, three thousand five hundred dollars. For marine hospital at Detroit, Michigan: For laundry building, Deummmicn. three thousand dollars. For marine hospital at Key West, Florida: For iron fence, one thou- Key Wm. Fla sand five hundred and fifty dollars. For marine hospital at Memphis, Tennessee: For fence, five hundred Memphis. Tenudollars. For marine hospital at New Orleans, Louisiana: For surgical oper- New orl¤¤¤¤·I··· . ating room and laboratory, three thousand dollars. For marine hospital at Port Townsend, Washington: For fence, one WPI? 'f<·w¤¤¤¤<1. thousand five hundred dollars. °`_ For marine hospital at Wilmiligton, North Carolina: For laundry “'*‘¤**¤¤°’“·]*·C· building, one thousand five hundred dollars; completing second story ward building, five hundred dollars; in all, two thousand dollars. Medical books and journals for the use of the Marine Hospital Bureau BM=_···i¤¤- H vspml may be purchased during the fiscal year nineteen hundred, at a cost ‘}§Q,°f§,;_,,,,_ not to exceed five hundred dollars, and paid for from the appropriation for the Marine-Hospital Service. QUARANTINE STATIONS. Q··¤r¤¤ti¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· For quarantine Station, Roady [Bland, D8lH»W31‘6 River: For improve- Reedy Islundments to station, quarters for crews, and protection of grounds irom overflow, two thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ ' For quarantine station, Cape Charles, Virginia: For improvements C¢1poCharles, vs. to station, quarters, isolation ward, and steam windlass, four thousand eight hundred dollars. __ _ _ F Fm- quarantine station, Brunswick, Georgia: Eor improvements to B"°”"”°k· *°· station, quarters, wharf, engine and cars, and dismfecting buildmg, four thousand five hundred dollars. G M mm. For quarantine station, Gulf: For impI‘0VGm€Dts to station, new pier,° and new disinfecting plant, and detention quarters for crew, thirty-six thousand dollars.