Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/115

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7 6 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1897. "°l· **-1*1*- seven, ratified by Act or Congress approved July thirteenth, eighteen

 th hundred and ninety-two, Eve thousand dollars: Provided, That any

nwdhmzl ° U moneys heretofore or hereafter to be appropriated for the removal _ of said Spokane Indians to the Cmur d’Alene Reservation shall be expended for such members of the tripe who hatye removed or shall toth C lville Spokane or Joe oreserva `onsm·°l=¤*¤**‘*· °*°- mgéldzopay of8a blaekslnith and {carpenter to do necessary work and to instruct the said Indians in those trades, one thousand dollars each, per sixth article of said agreement, two thousand dollars; _ Chim L¤¤i¤ and For fifth of ten installments of one hundred dollars each, to Chiefs E"°°h' Louis and Enoch, as per article nine of said agreement, two hundred dollars; in all, seven thousand two hundred dollars. cenrsamwi bends CONFEDERATED BANDS OF UTES. of Utes. _, _ For pay of two carpenters, two millers two farmers and two black-

::q5f°` smiths, as per tenth article of treaty df October sdventh, eighteen

‘ hundred and sixty-three, and fifteenth article of treaty of March vin. 15. r-621 second, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, six thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars; For pay ot two teachers, as per same article of same treaty one thousand eight hundred dollars; , _ v L m For purchase of iron and steel and- the necessary tools for blacksmith ° m'"shop, per ninth article of same treaty, two hundred and twenty dollars;

  • ¤°¤¤¤¢··**=· For twenty-ninth of thirty installments, to be expended under the

direction of the Secretary of the Interior for clothing, blankets, and h other articles as he may deem proper and necessary under v°L15"‘m“ slm tharti·l f same treat thirt tho sand dollars- ’ {,’·>·i•g5_ m 6 (Edd! annual gmount for theypurclgsc df beet; muttonwheat, flour, ° P beans, and potatoes, or othernecessary articles of food, as per twelfth article of same treaty, thirty thousand dollars; ‘ ¤¤¤1>1¤r••¤ For pay of employees at the several Ute agencies, iilteen thousand dollars; in all, eighty-three thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. cmgm Ulu *¤ soU'1‘HEn.N UTES IN COLORADO. Awcv l>¤¤¢“¤u¤· For the emotion of suitable agency buildings at Navajo Springs, Montezuma County, Colorado, for the use of such Southern Ute Indians as have not elected to take allotments of land in severalty, five thousand dollars, to be immediately available. _,YT"°"°"""’°°"· The Secretaryiof the Interior is hereby directed to confer with the owners of the ontezuma Valley Canal, in the county of Montezuma and State of Colorado, or any other parties, for the purpose of securing by the Government water rights, or for the supply of so much water, or both, as he may deem necessary fpr the irrigation: of that part of the Montezuma Valley lying within tie undaries of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation in said State, and for the domestic use of the aspen. Indians thereon; and he shall report to Congress at its next regular session the amount of water necessary to be secured for said purpose and the cost of the same, and such recommendations as he shall deem proper. Winnebagoes. WINNEBAGOES. mam:. For interest on eight hundred and four thousand nine hundred and nine dollars and seventeen cents, at five per centum per annum, per ver 1, p. su. fourth article of treaty of November first, eighteen hundred and thirty- v»1.1zp.•¤8- seven, and joint resolution of July seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, forty thousand two hundred and forty-five dollars and forty- five cents; and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to expend said interest for the support, education, and civilization ot said Indians- Vol 1* v·3“· For interest on seventyeight thousand three hundred and forty dollars and forty~one cents, at five per centum per annum, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior for the erection of