Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1202

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1164 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 426. 1899. f P·rL··¤* :{d<=l¤*¤·¤ To Mary J. McCall, administratrix of James Bridgman, deceased,

3ie;-dgeiuueurup late of Crawford County, one thousand five hundred and seventy-five

dollars. To John Campbell, late of Independence County, now a resident of Columbia County, Oregon, one thousand one hundred and sixtydive dollars. To Samuel M. Carson, administrator of William Carson, deceased, late of Monroe County, three thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. To Henry T. Cate, of Washington County, eight hundred and thirty- five dollars. 4 To Pryor D. Chism, administrator of Robert Chism, deceased, late of . Monroe County, two hundred and ninety-five dollars. To Williann R. Clark, administrator of James W. Clark, deceased, late of Benton County, three thousand six hundred and ten dollars. To Charles Crowell, of Benton County, six hundred and sixty-three dollars. To Alexander Davis, of Conway County, five thousand six hundred and five dollars. To W. F. Davis, administrator of George W. Davis, deceased, late of Sebastian County five hundred and five dollars. To Phil Davi , of NVOodruff County, four hundred and fifty dollars. To William Y. Fain, of Phillips County, five hundred and sixty · dollars. To Benjamin F. Greer, administrator of Hugh Flinn, deceased, late of Benton County, six hundred and fifty-five dollars. To E. M. Ford, administrator de bonis non of Richard L. Ford, d , of Phillips County, three thousand one hundred and fifty-nine do s. To Peter L. Freezer, of Mississippi County, one hundred and twenty- five dollars. To Samuel Gallaher, administrator of Henry Gallaher, deceased, late of Washington County, five hundred and seventy-tive dollars. To Benjamin E. Gambill, of Benton County, two hundred and forty- eight dollars. To John N. Hays, of Benton County, one thousand one hundred and fifteen dollars. To J. W. Frazer, administrator of William J. Hendricks, deceased, late of Monroe County, one thousand six hundred and twelve dollars. To John B. Hogue, administrator of Powell E. Hogue, deceased, late of Pulaski County, one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. To Warren Holtzclaw, administrator of Elijah Holtzclaw, deceased, late of Phillips County, six hundred dollars. To Hem·y A. Houghton, administrator of J eiirey Houghton, deceased, late of Craighead County, six hundred and forty-three dollars. To James H. Humphreys, of Phillips County, two hundred and ninety-three dollars and twenty cents. To George H. Johnson, administrator of Elisha Johnson, deceased, late of Benton County, one hundred and twenty dollars. To T. D. Kinman, administrator of Riley Kinman, deceased, late of Jackson County, eight hundred and sixty dollars. _ To Mary R. Kirkpatrick, of J etferson County, six hundred and twentyfive dollars. To Thomas J. Lavender, administrator of Jacob Lavender, deceased, llatle of Hempstead County, Arkansas, five hundred and ninety-one 0 ars. — d To Charles E. Littleton, of Yell County, nine hundred and forty-four o ars. To John McCracken, of Madison County, two thousand one hundred and five dollars. To Andrew Nathaniel McEver, administrator of Andrew McEver, deceased, late of Polk County, three hundred and fifty dollars. To David Maberry, junior, of Washington County, seven hundred and nineteen dollars.