1278 FIFTY-Fmrn oonennss. sms. 111. ou. 429. 1899. - whose property is injured or line obstructed in a sum equal to three times the amount of actual damages sustained thereby. _ Divviznnr ¤r alter- Sec. 166. That if any officer, agent, operator, clerk, or employee of '"g'H"’°°°h‘· any telegraph company, or any other person, shall willfully divulge to any other person than the party from whom the same was received, or to whom the same was addressed, or his agent or attorney, any message received or sent, or intended to be sent, over any telegraph line, or the contents, substance, purport, effect, or meaning of such message, or any part thereof, or shall willfully alter any such message by adding thereto or omitting therefrom any word or words, figure or iigures, so as to materially change the sense, purport, or meaning of such message, to the injury of the person sending or desiring to send the same, or to whom the same was directed, the person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a tine not to exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment not to exceed one year, or by both such ilne and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court: QM-i Provided, That when numerals or words of number occur in any mesns m°°° ng num"` sage the operator or clerk sending or receiving may express the same in words or figures, or in both words and ugures, and such fact shall not be deemed an alteration of the message, nor in any manner aifect its genuineness, force, or validity. S•¤·li¤z or <\¤1iv¤r— SEO. 167. That if any agent, operator, or employee in any telegraph mg m" d""“"°' onlce, or other person, shall, knowingly and willfully, send by telegraph, to any person or persons, any false or forged message, purporting to be from such telegraph ohice, or from any other person, or shall willfully deliver, or cause to be delivered, to any person, any such message, falsely purporting to have been received by telegraph, or if any person or persons shall furnish or conspire to furnish, or cause to be furnished, to any such agent, operator, or employee, to be sent by telegraph, or to be so delivered, any such me sage, knowingthe same to be false or forged, with the intention to deceive, injure, or defraud any individual, partnership, or corporation, or the public, the person or persons so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a line not to exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment not to exceed one year, or by both such une and imprisonment, in the dis- U im t_ creétion of th?] court. h
- 8 . °?¤¤ *°¤ mc. 168. hat if any agent, operator or employee in an telegrap
°°°°°i°°dm °h°p°t°b` office shall, in any way, use or appropriate any informationsderived by him from any private message or messages passing through his hands and addressed to any other person or persons, or in any other manner acquired by him by reason of his trust as such agent, operator, or employee, or shall trade or speculate upon any such information so obtained, or in any manner turn or attempt to turn the same to his account, profit, or advantage, the person so oiicnding shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a ilue not to exceed one thousand dollars, or imprisonment not to exceed one year, or by both such line and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, and shall also be liable in treble damages to the party aggrieved for all loss _ Dm M or gnnjuryaguséziueg by reason; of such wrongful get. I h 5***8 °' “•· EC. . a i any agen , operator or cmp o ee in an te e rap hg m md °"°p°°°h' office shall unreasonably and willfully,refuse or {neglect th send any message received at such office for transmission, or shall unreasonably or willfully postpone the same out of its order, or shall unreasonably and willfully refuse or neglect to deliver any message received by telegraph, the person so oiiending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be punished by a hue not to exceed five hundred dollars, or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both such iine and imprisonmeilti 11j;<><#I_mt0fchug% in the discretion of the court: Provided, That nothing herein contain yshall be construed to require any message to be received, transmitted, or delivered unless the charges thereon shall have been paid or tendered, nor to require the sending, receiving, or delivery of any message counseling, aiding, abetting, or encouraging treason against the Government of the United States, or other resistance to the lawful authority,