Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/133

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94 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 3. 1897. hundred and ninety-six, by and between James McLaughlin, United States Indian inspector, on the part of the United States, and the Shoshone and Arapahoe tribes of Indians in the State of Wyoming. Anrrorn I. L¤¤¤¤ ¤>li¤·l*¤¤l¤•d· For the consideration hereinafter named the said Shoshone and Arapahoe tribes of Indians hereby cede, convey, transfer, relinquish, and surrender forever and absolutely all their right, title, and interest of every kind and character in and to the lands and the water rights appertaining thereunto embraced in the following-described tract of country, embracing the Big Horn Hot Springs in the State of Wyoming: All that portion of the Shoshone Reservation described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northeastern corner of the said reservation, where Owl Creek empties into the Big Horn River; thence south ten miles, following the eastern boundary of the reservation; thence due west ten miles; thence due north to the middle of the channel of Owl Creek, which forms a portion of the northern boundary of the reservation; thence following the middle of the channel of said Owl Creek to the point of beginning. Anrronn H. · couiumum. In consideration for the lands ceded, sold, relinquished, and conveyed as aforesaid, the United States stipulates and agrees to pay to the said Shoshone and Arapahoe tribes of Indians the sum of sixty thousand dollars, to beexpended for the benefit of the said Indians in the manner hereinafter described. · Aarrcm HI. Hgzfxogfxj Of the said sixty thousand dollars provided for in Article II of this rideration m»¤ey,ew. agreement it is hereby agreed that ten thousand dollars shall be avail-

  • ’°•*· P- 5*1- » able within ninety days after the ratification of this agreement, the

same to be distributed per capita, in cash, among the Indians belonging on the reservation. That portion of the aforesaid ten thousand dollars to which the Arapahoes are entitled is, by their unanimous and expressed desire, to be expended, by their agent, in the purchase of stock cattle for distribution among the tribe, and that portion of the beforementioned ten thousand dollars to which the Shoshones are entitled

tac shall be distributed per capita, in cash, among them: Provided, That

‘ in cases where heads of families may so elect, stock cattle to the amount to which they may be entitled may be purchased for them by their agent. J Parnienvigfrmm- The remaining fifty thousand dollars of the aforesaid sixty thousand °§.,§’,,f‘;,‘f§3,$'“"°“‘ dollars is to be paid in five annual installments of ten thousand dollars each, the money to be expended, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, for the civilization, industrial education, and subsistence of the Indians; said subsistence to be of bacon, cotfee, and sugar, and not to exceed at any time live pounds of bacon, four pounds of coffee, and eight pounds of sugar for each one hundred rations. Anrrcnn IV. . m1¤¤¤g¤¤¤¤m··. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to deprive the Indians of any annuities or benefits to which they are entitled under existing _ agreements or treaty stipulations. Aizcrxcmzz V. F¤¤¤·=¤**¤¤· This agreement shall not be binding upon either party until ratitied by the Congress of the United States.