Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1841

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INDEX. 1 8 1 1 Alaska-—Contmued, Page- Alaska—Continued. P¤g¤· register and receiver. . . .. 215 criminal code for; appendix ... .. 1341 prosecutions for killing fur seals, in dis- authorizing Director of Geological Survey trict court. .. . . 227 I to prepare maps of .. --- . .. . 1391 masters of foreign vessels to report. .. 248 codilication of laws, not criminal. directed- 1800 not to procee inland without permit .. 249 Alaska Horde,.,, board of inspectors of steam vessels for .. 360 to besmw regards u on 1215 homestead land laws extended to • 4 09 . . P ``'`````Z °` I "` rights of wa gmmml railroads, ucv Alaskan Seall*'whcrecs (sea Fur Seal Fisheries), through {md! im U i _ _ _ __ __ ____ __ __ 409 appropriation for expenses of agents, ctcés 1x3 1“““ ‘Z`3§1E$.‘.$‘..3"¥5 P? $‘{‘f‘Y`}?fT’} XY T. or M f·····¤· ¤~·=-» ¤· ¤·¤v¤¤ ------ 29.616310% bonded warehouse privileges extended to gm. l°gtl’°°l(°* qw " 't‘° 'Z ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘’‘‘ 29 (ports iu, for exportation to Canada . 415 ,.°r °°“ m“¥‘g mv°'hU°h°°°· "· 2 ‘*·•·· 29 Unite States courts in, made courts of 1. °' °‘P°'Z'·“ mm G°'°mm?“° “°""°P ··-- 29 bank"! tc _ _" _ un-- ____" ____" 545 or pretectnou salmon fisheries .. J9,616,1093· certain appealls hom mmm court or no Al¤¤(·y_€•»·m¢y Pwilwivw, circuit court of appeals, transferred i d°h°1¤¤9Y ¥PP1`°P¥'UWl°¤ _ {0T_ ¤“PP°i’l7 of to Supreme Court ________ __ ________ 728 5 District of Columbia prisoners. .. 117, 665 printing of governor’s report, authorized, 73l I “A1batrosa,” Steamer, provision for census of . . . . . .. 1016 appropriation for naturalist, etc 25, 611, 1089 public land survey system extended to. . . 1097 for- repairs, ets, ,,,, . ...,.,_...__,.,__,_ 612 criminal code for; eneral provisions . 1253 < deficiency appropriation for launch .. 237 offenses against tllie person. .. . . 1253 Albemarle Sound, N_ cw , ¥*f°"”°§ °g““’** P"°P°}'t}' - ··---- ·-- - -·-- 1%** { appropriation for wat·crway,Ncrfo1k,Va.,to 1137 orgery and counterfeiting . 1263 , Alb . h F, _. A oH`enses against public justice .. 1266 l ng 0 . °{'"" '¤ gfuuseg against the public peace _______ 1269 nppropmatwu for ' ’ ’’‘'’' 1*08 offenses against morality and decency.. 1271 Alb“Q”0'9'f¢% · Mlm, _ offenses against public policy .. 1273 l *P}]¥9Pm*U°¤ f°¥`l¤*1i¤¤ ¤°h°°l_- --·- -··- 80, 587 olibn ses against public convenience 1275 ~ d°l1°|¤¤<§Y ¤}PP1’0P¤¤U0¤ foi'l¤d1¤11¤¤l109l- 1247 olfenses against public health .. . . . . 1276 ¤·PP¥°P¤”·P°¤ for ¤uPP°¥'t• wc-: of Indmu offenses concerning te1epho11e,te1e€1aph, 1277_ P“Pll¤» °t°· • · · · · • ·—··-·-····-····- • 99 protecfion of fur-bearing anim; 5 and , tv mmm b°uds· ····· ·•• -·-·---·----- · -··· · 13°2 sa mon - ... 1279 Albury Vt, miscellaneous provisions; definitions. .. 1282 , made suliport of entry .. . .. . . 30 pror-ednre; crimes, etc., how prosecuted. 1285 1 bridge authorized across Lake Champlain criminal actions, time of commencementat _______,,,,, , , ,,,, - ..,_,, 815 of ... . . 1285 i Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Harbor, Cal., jurisdiction and place of . 1285 appropriation for tidal indicator to be grand jury, powers and duties of. .. 1286 erected on _____ , ____ ___ ,,,_ __ ______ ]($3 finding, etc., of indictment .. . . . 1288 Alcohol in the Arts, indictment . . - . 1289 committee to investigate continued. ., 217 arraignmeut .. . 1291 deficiency appropriation for collecting sta.- settling aside indictment .. . tistics . ., . ,,, . _____ 685 demurrer .. . ... ‘ Alcott, George, pleas to the indictment .. ---- .. 1295 granted honorable discharge . 1527 issues of law and fact . 1296 Aldrich, Bettie A., postponement of trial . . 1296 payment to ...,.. . . . ,..,.,,._____ 1],72 formation of the trial jury ... .. 1297 Aldrich, Emor H., ronduct of the trinl, ctc .. . . pension increased .,__,, . . , _____,_____ 1544 verdict . ... . ... · L Aldrich, William E, exceptions and new trial ... 1303 deficiency appropriation for contested elecnrrest of judgment .. . .. I tion expenses .. .. ..,,__ 686 'ndgment . . A e, l·xea·ntion .. . ... . . . . 1307 tux on increased . ., . .., , ._,__ 448 appeals and writs of error .. . .. 1307 stamp discount allowed .. . ..,.. , , , , 448 bail . . . . . . . 1308 collertiou of additional, on warehoused. 448 deposit in~»tea<l of hail . 13ll "AIcrt," Brig, surrender of elcfrmlaiit . . . . 1311 appropriation for paying French spoliatiou - i¤»rh·itnr·e of bail, etc .. 1312 claims . .. . . 1191 re<·omn1ityn•·nt of d+-f¢¤rul:u1t after bail., 1313 "AIert," rornpi-lling; :1t,t¢·n¢lun¢·o of witnesses 131-1 appropriation for paying French spoliation rmnprornining ¢·rinn·s hy la-ave of court. 1314 claims . . -. . 1197 eli·uni··r·ml for want of prosecution .. 1314 Alcshire, Ie'du·ar1l S._ir., · di··po··¤al of property stolen, ctc ._.,. 1315 = deticiency appropriation for . . 682 inilnrnmtion; by whom taken. . . 1316Alexander, George, warrant of :¤rr•·nt .. 1316 pension increased ... ... .. 1568

»,rrm·•t; how nuulu, etv . . 1317 Aluandw, John,

··x#¤rninnfi·m oi' rose; cliiichnrzee, etc 1318 i payment to administrator of . ...- 1188 prvvontion of crimes; security to keep B22Alz.ramle1·, Junior, 487 n-ace ,... .. ‘ ‘ , pension . . .. . . 1 rimpl, suppression of ., . 1324 Alexander. Thomas, e·oroner's inquest; proceedings thereon. 1325 payment to administrator of .. . . . 1011 search warrants; procveclings thereon.. 1326 Alarandrelta, fngitives from justice ...,.. 1328 appropriation for consul ... 270, 830 juwt ires of the peace and constables 1330 ‘ Alexandria, Lu., _ justices' courts; jurisdiction .. , 1330 l preliminary examination oi to be made .. 1140 criminal action in ; appeal ... 1331 I Alger, Isaac, _ rniscclluu cou . .. .- . 1335 granted honorable discharge .. . .. 1577