Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1851

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INDEX. 1 82 [ Bibi', Uy’¤”•i¢ C-, ·Y¤B¤· Bankruptcy—C0ntinued. 1**550- peymeut to .. . ... 1163 creditors · .. . . 559 Baker, George W., estates . . 562 payment to udministratrix of ,,_,____ _ , , , 1010 when not tgkqg gfgot _,__,_,,,___ _ ____ 566 Baker, Jacob, printing of copies of bill ordered .--. 1802 payment to administrator of ,,_,__,,,,,,. 1193 Book;-gp:;, Baker, Lester C., defimtions of terms .. . ... 544 deficiency appropriation for difference in courts of bankruptcy and their jurisdic- B k Liabazy . 138 tion . , .. . .. 545 4 er, v ·, acts of bankru tc . , 546 payment to ndministratrix of .. . . 1179 petition to be sled in four months ..., 546 Baker, Lewis D., » from when to date .. . .. 546- pensiou increased .. . . . . . . 1460 defense of solvency ,,..,.,,,___ , _ _ _ 547 Baker. Michael, burden of proof ,.,,.. - - - , 547 charge of desertion removed from naval testimony, etc . . .. -, . 547 record of .. . . .. .1565 to be accompanied by bond .. . ., 547 Bdwr, Robert M., liability for costs, etc 547 payment to - . . ... 1211 counsel fees, etc., fixing of ...,. 547 Baker, Sarah K. T., who may become -,. ,; ,,_, 547 plyment to - . 1 189 voluntary . . . . . . . . ,.,,, 547 Baldwin, Barry, involuntary . .. 547 credit in accounts of .. . . . 1237 a partnership, may be adjudged,. .,,,__ 547 Baldwin, Ephraim C., administration of estate ...,,,,_,__, 547 pension increased -- .. 1482 jurisdiction over partner -.- 547 Blldwis, George H., 1452 trustees' dgty .,.. ;. . . 547 pension increased ---- .. , . payment 0 e ts . ,._,, 548 · Baldwin, Gwrgic R., claims 0L against individual estates, etc- 548 deficiencyappropriationfor,1ega1»e,Ford’s administration of estate, where all not Theater disaster .. . 109 bankrupts . . . ..,.,,._,,_,__ 548 “B•IloI•oo,” Schooner, exemptions of 548 Appropriation for paying French spolia- duties of. . . . . . . .. 548 tion claims 1192 - when not compelled to attend ereditors’ Ballard; Reef, Detroit River, meeting . . .. .. . . .. ..-. , 548 appropriation for light vessels and float 15 destlpor ipsanity of..‘i.L ...,. .--. ,,., , 549 i ts- . . . . -- .. rig tso wi ow an cren . . 549 Ballot, Agdfe L. protection and detention of . - 549 pension ssnurse . .. . . . ... 1494 extradition of . . .' ... , 549 Balner, Charles, Surviving Partner, etc., suits by and pgainst . 549 payment to. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1176 stay until judieation . - ,. M9 Baltimore, Md., · appearance of trustee-- . ... 549 appropriation for marine hospital 13 time for bringing against trustee ... 549 for salaries, assistant treasurer':: oillco. 293, 865 compositions - - .. . . . - 549 for additional land, custom-house .. 1077 when may be offered .. . 549 for public building 1355 application for confirming ... i . 549 deficiency appropriation to restore em- date, etc., for hearing .. - 550 ployees’ compensation at port .. 108 condition ofconfirmance ... 550 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, distribution of consideration ... 550 deficiency appropriation for transporting may be set aside, for fraud . . ...,., 550 insane, etc., for Navy .. 125 confirmation of, discharges from debts.. 550 Bamberg,discharges, application for ... 5 appropriation for consul . .. 268, 829 hearing ...,..,, , ,, _ 550 Bancom, Sidney, I when revoked .. . . . 550 payment to . . . ... 1179 codebtors’ liability not effected by dis- Baneroft, Charlotte C., Q charge .. ., 550 payment to administrator of . 1163 ; debts not aifected by discharge ..,, , .. 560 Banda, Army, 977 I involuntary bankruptcy, service of peticavalr . . .. . .tion, etc .. . ... . . . . . 551 nrtill;-i-ly ,,... . .. . . . .. voluntary bankruptcy, hearing on tiling infantry .. .. . . ... · p6titi0¤, etc . .. 551 Banjield, Clmrlu E., g involuntary bankruptcy, jury trials .. 551 pr-nsion increased 1556 > oaths and ulfirnmtiuns ,. . 551 Bangkok evidence .. . .. . ... 552 appropriation for consular prison . . Z2,832 reference of cases after adjudication 552 on- interpreter to legetion 264, 825 transfer of cases to different reteree 552 Bongo, Isaac S., 1209 5 jurisdiction of United States and State a ment to .. .. .- I courts . . ... - ... 552 B£:l?Chccks, i appellants rourtshiurisdiction of 553 stamp tux on . ... . . .. 459 arbitration of controversies .._, .,.. 553 Bankers, compromise .. . - 553 definition of ... .. ngtices,l10w published - g s cial tax on .. .. o enses . .. . Psovings banks excepted .. . ... .. 448 I rules, forms and orders, promulgation of. 554 Book;-spicy (ue Bankrnpts), ; computation of time . . . 554 courts of _,,. .. , .,.,..,,, , ... . 545 i transfer of cases . . . . . .. , . 554 jurisdiction of courts ... . 545 i referee, appointmeu t, removal, and disoots of ,_... . .. . .. 546 tricts:.,..:.._..,. . . 555 process, pleading, and jurisdiction .. . . ¤51 | number ot, jurisdiction - ... 555 creation of offices of trustee and referee.. 555 { duties of ... 555