Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1874

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1844 _ INDEX. Contagious diseases, D. C., Pago Conventior1a—C0ntinued. Paz8- nppropriation for preventing spread of .. 538, { with Mexico concerning water boundn.ry 1058, 1390 , between the two countries . 1744 Contentnca Greek, N. C., l with British colony of Trinidad for the esuppropriatiou for improvement of . . . . 1137 i tablishmeut of n. parcels-post .. 1747 Contested Election ExpensesConveyance appropriation for }Ien1•y,C. Brewster. 730 I tamp tam on dccd, ctc .. .. ...- 460 deiiciency appropriation for House of Rep- 686 I to defraud sukéoequent to bankruptcy act, 6 ` resentatives .. . 5 etc., voi .. ... . 5 5 Contested Elections, within four mouths of petition, void unfor compiling data., etc., House of Repre- , dor State laws, etc. -- . . 565 sentatnvos .. . . . 687Convict Labor, · Coéstiguoua Countrgg f d I entry of ioreiplnbgooéls, etc., manufactured iscriminating uty on oroign pro uc- y pro i ite . .. . . 211 tions coming in through 209 Coewicls, A;ncrican, not if in course of retail trade . 210 C appropriation for consular prisons .. 272, 832 ` Contingent Expenses oswictc 1). C. appropriation fonindependent trcasury-é-3 396, I appropriation for support, transportation, 1,1 1 ctc. .. .. . -.. 539 1060 for foreign missions .. 376;, deficiency appropriation for support of. .. 7 117, for consulates .. . . . . . . ‘ 665 1221 for Senate .. . . - . ---. . 279; 849 Conway, Henry B., 7 for House of Repxéegcutatives . g, $2 ppcnsiou increased .. - .,... 1400 for Department o tate .. --- . , Coo Elizabeth J. for Treasury Department- .. . . 292, 863 pension , - . .. , ,,,.. . .. - 1562 for War Department . - . . . 300, 872 Cook, George D.,

‘_or1£Iavy Degzrtmont .% .. 304, Q, gg? Cpznogop increased .. . . . ., . .. . .‘ 1410

or utcrior partnuon .. ,... oo o in S., for Post-Omoo Deipprunent ... S35 C pagmorg to administrator of - - , . . 1173 for Department 0 ustico 1 7 ook, L. . for Department of Labor ... , 314 deficieucp appropriation for ,_____ _ ___ ____ BQ9 for Army ... -1-- -- .. 326, 1065 Cook, Mary C. (widow), for Depnitmeént of Agriculture ... 337, § G pension increased ._ , ,,,,, _ _____ _ _____ 1480 for West er uroau ... ook W. L. · for District of Columbia .. . . 528, 1048 deiiciencyi appropriation for- custodian of for Indian service L. . . 574, 926 court records, etc ,,..,, , _____,_____ 114 jot Lxbrury of Congress . ... 854 Cooke, Cynthia D., A for Navy ... -- . 1025 det} ciency appropriation for , _____ _ _ _ _ ____ 138 deiicicncy appropriation for State Dppar;3 1214 Cooke, Edward D., late a Representative in Conmcut - .. . ... 5 " , grass, for foreign missions . , 106, 1247 deiiciency appropriation for- mother- of ____ 138 for consulates . . 106, 1215, 1247 Cooks, Army, for Treasury Departmont .éé£.é6é-éi2 enlistment oi) authorized .,,.,_ , _,____,___ 721 pay, etc -- - ----...---------·-- 979 for independent treasury . ...’.-. .'.. . .,... , 109 Cooley, Ann E., for District of Columbia ,,.. . .. , 116, 1220 pension .,,,.. , ,,_,,. I .,-. .,,___ ,. 1581 for Interior Department 126, 711, 713, 1247 Cooley, W. B. _, por Ezra2u?? Mig] . 140, 652. 133 apprepzatxon for preparing Postal Laws, ormiu 3 ow mms ,,,.,,...,,,,,, ‘o ,_.. .., ,,__, ,_,, .,,_ ...,. ,____ _. . "9 for mint ut Carson ,,,, ,, ,,,, , ..,,,,_,,_ 148 Coombg, C, W, 0 for nnnt at Denver . .: .. 148 deficiency appropriation for services . 139 for mint at San Frsmcxsco ...,.. 148 Cooper, Elmo, • gor :1:; office at Bono C payment 1202 -- . . . ... 1184 or .. . .-·- . . .. - oopar umea . for eggpeditiougry force to C nba ,’ ,,,_ Z, _ , 396 I payment to adminhtmmr of __,,_,______, 1179 for %pvyDDep2;:tu;ex;t .. .. . 696 Cooper, Lanier P., d or ar epa m u . .:.., ... . pennon increase .. . ...,... _ _ _ _ , . 1584 for Department of Agncultnre . ’ 709 Cooper, Newton W., Confracf -, pension increased .. ..-. . . 1484 smmp,tax on, fo; rent of land, ctc ...- 461 , Cooper, William P., on renewa s e 0 . .. 462 pension increased . ,_____. 1411 on br0k¤r’¤ note, vw - .. . . ...-4. 460 · Cooperative Building and Loan Association, for charter of vessc1 -. .., . . 460 stocks and bonds, exempt from gtgmp thx_ 455 C lfor pnpplying sgnrgps) ..-... .. ...-.. 407 T Cooperative Fir: guurauce Company, on rag ,4; or see A 01* . ; when oxem om tum tax _______ _____ 461 Contract Qabar, Alien (864* Labor), * Coos Bay, 011:;., 8 P appropriation for enforcement of law 30, expenditure of funds for improvement 631 616, 1093 1 Coos Bay and_ Hdrbor, Oreg., Contract Sprgeon? Army, 1068 E C apgopriagou for improvement of .,.. --,, 1133 nppropr a ion or .: . . . . , { ooa irer, eg. detiqcnncy appropriation for pay . .--- 775 , appropriation 1`or improvement of 1148 appointment of, m emergency .. . . 406 { Coosa Rirer, Ala., (;0m·egt;•;nah 1 t 1597 g Cappiopriation for improvement; of ____ 1138 wit on urns parcc s-pos .. . · o cn agen for exchange of money orders. .. . ... 1607 ¥ gppropriaitionx for consul _,__ , _,_.,, --. - 269 830 withEgypt,ioroxcbaugeot' n\01wy0l'd0rs- 1613 * proclamation suspending tonnage duties ’ uhiverg;g7 post;], w3§hlugt0D, June 15, 1629 t C I lpntlvesseg from ..,,,, ,, ,,.,.,.. --. . 1778 1 - . ... z .----- - .. ope an , amos ., with Chile for exchange ofmonoy orders . 1739 payment to . ,.,_,,. . . 1180