Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1894

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1864 INDEX. Extra-duty Pay—Continued. P¤g<>- "Federal George/’ Sloop, P¤z<—>- dcficiencv appropriation for Quartermas- appropriation for paying French sp0lia.· torbs Department .., 393 tion claims .. . . . ... . 1204 f r listed mon . .. - 394 1223 Fees nosaligwablc in Army in war time .. . ’ 365 appropriation for examining surgeons.. 276, 820 Extra Pqy, I _ _ doiicicncy·a.ppr0prigntion for witness. . . 118, 12gl to enlisted men for services in Spanish 1073 for ponsionlgzgafrailnpiog srgiigologsiéég .547 War .--.·.-.-- -·-··.--- • payable t01a sl representatives .. 1074 report oi) in United, States (mscé onli, by , Extra Session ojgdongresa, clerks district courts of Arizona., proclamation culling March 15, 1897-. 1765 F U Igor; Mexico, and Oklahoma . . . . 642 , ces . . ourts, F appropriation for jurors . . 642 ’ for witnesses .. -- - . 642 for clerks. .. . . . . . - - . .. 56, 642 Fagg, JMWIL, (widow), for commissioners ... . . 56, 642 1.-**°“‘i1¢*}5-‘“°’§“”°" ···· ···· ···· *3* f3¥5'£355}2J‘€‘§ee4;1;.;g,; ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ 22 am • sam . · ------- · ---. . .- papmgpt tg, _ 3,, _ _ ____,____________ _ _____ 1164 deficiency appropriation for district attor- Fairchild B. L. ucys . . . 145 deficiency appropriation for contested- gor clerks of court-- 132, 145, 150, 684, 709, l ction ex (msgs ,,,,,, _ __,,, . ,,,,, 687 01‘ 00mm18S10DOIA . . ...,... . . . . . ‘ Fairfa¤:,8J:hn A., P 145, 147, 150, 684, 709} 711, 714, 1248, 1245; payment to _.,,______ _ ,_,_ § ______ _ _ _ _ ____ 1190 for jurors . .,.,.,.,.. 249, 423, 683, 1248 Fairport, Ohio,for witnesses . . . 249, 423, 683, 709, 1248 appropri ation for improvement of harbor, 1129 for marshal ... 145, 709, 714, 1247, 1249 Faison, Pqul j'., Fdlowco, Nathanict, _ n appropriation for J no. T. Oglcsby, for payment to administrator of. . . -- . 1193, transporting remains of .-.. 86 _ 1195, 1196, 1198, 1200, 1202 I Falkland Islands, Fvfyul Fa{ls,_M1nn., t _ deficiency appmprhtian to reimburse Gow F approprgtion fz public buildin g . 976, 1075 ·=¤·r··°··° *··¥ *¤*¤~*&*¤·**··¤ mk "'¥I1"L'iz $E2’5.,.m.,,.. m.,.. forfeiture 1528 F H R. "C;&y of Philadelphia"., ,,,,_, 656 Feggugon }b0”ry ·-- a wer, aaa. • · , . appropriation {'cr improvement of harbor. 1122 FP“Y*“°“$*’° '*‘1*******s*·*'°*’°*` °f - -- -·---·---· 1162 Falla of Ohio River, Louispillg, KL crguson, umu G., appropriation for improvement of . . . . 46 }*°·Y"*"“t **0 ·----- · · · - -··· - -------·-·---·· 1*73 completion ot; by contract, ctc .. 46 F'" 9““"> {"h“·d . . f 1:-,,,,,;,,,,, Fpnymte;3 to a mimstmtor o ...,., . . . . 1173 appropriation for transporting co¤tribu— m`"'"" L'q“°"·. tions to sufferers in India .. 219 °°amP° f°1` Paying tax “P°“r t° b° P"' ‘ vessel may be of any nationality . -- 220 . P‘“'°d» °t" --·· ·- -·---·---··--------- 206 ll Fannie Add,," Sallam'", permits to be granted brewers .--- 206 _, gohcicgcg tppmprntaon for- mama of nm. no *¤;::1I*>$*·c?;h{><;;t$)% ¤3>0%h ----- -- Kg ¤¤••y. ¤•¤»w·. . ° . .. ** ·-·--· appropriation for Paying French spouauou collection ot additional, on warohousod. 448 A cluims_·__.···___.-·_.··--·--·--·-- F6TTaId, AHRE., Farmer} Henry, FP**·5;;***3;*t tv -·--·-·--- - --·-------- · ----· 1188 pension .. .. . . ..,, 1517 °{)`*a;7I;m:;**:; ·» 1170

 · ·•••••••••¤•••·••••••••••.•••·¤

appropriation for additional, for Indian F',§Q',f§§`g,f’ff"’“'°" (www,)' 1482 agencies' 'I"‘*‘ ··‘··• 651574>927 _FgrryB0q“-~»-·-·-•.··-. ·-·-—--·---- must “V° b°°** P*`**°t*°°**Y °**8**8°**» ****0 · 65, rules for lights on, when in tow to be estab- . 57*% 927 lished, m .. . .- I , _ , _ wz Far'£::;°*i?I?,‘;2l2:8?°mWt°¤t ***d****7**’· · - @2 974: 927 Fiber In;;f:;igations, Department of Ag•·icul· “"‘°"°‘·?¥T»“?Y‘?T`-`Y‘T7€’?¥T‘?‘?‘T`T’T f’T`.?fT‘f?‘?"¥}‘m go F:::;s:;%?:::z:c£°r ---··- ---· ° m?d° °f d‘°mb°u°° ‘'‘‘‘’‘ · · · · ······ 7* 336, 954 , stamp tax on policy ... ,_,___ __ ____ 461 Farr ell, Thomas, { Field H-em, payment to administrator of, ,,,_,_______ 1134 a a 'mmt-:31166 Faubcr, William T., i H?Mym_°“ D ‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘'‘ • •···· · ····· · ····· · payment to .. . ... --., ,_,,,_ _ _____ 1184· ’s." Fawcett, Ellmnah, I Figligften mn of " ‘'’‘‘’ ‘ "‘‘*··· ··· ···· · 1382 F*"‘Y'"°"" f,°· ····· · ········~----- ---·-- **84 , importation of obscene, prohibited_ _____ r_ 208 awcclt, J. ., _ _ I Filhiol Hypolitc ' payment to administrator of. ...,., , _____ 1180 pavélont to ’ 1188 F¢=¤>¤._ W- L-, * F,,,,,;; C,,,,,,, ‘`‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘····· · · ······ -Fp8¤sl°u-lr-I-----·-.-.--..---"`-."-"" 2 3ctSr°]qtivBt0, i]}f()]'(}Q_____________

    • 9***, _ _ i appropriation for expenses, taxation of- 293, 865

salary, etc., appropriated, to be paid con- ; dotioienoy appropriation for expenses, tax-

      • 1*** ---— · -----·----- ~ ----·---- 221ation of. ..,.. . .,,,__,____ _ _________ 1218

Fealhcr River, Cal., . 1;*;];,,,.;,,9 Water Supply, D_ c_ appropriation for restraining barriers, ctc. 631 appropriation for invostiglation on foasi Feafficrbed Shoals, St. Lawrence: River, bmw ot; etc ____________ _ 533 ¤s·r>¤> ri¤*¤¤ f<¤ z¤¤ *>¤<>v -------- ---. 15 cum of on `nears U. S, A. t ‘‘ "’;,;i 533 F°b*`¢’.U» 507*** E-r Findlay, Josqg R.,’ 0 mop". Paymmt t°· · ····- - ·--· · ---·-·•-·--·- · - ·- 1184 granted honorable digg]; arg8 _____ _ _ ______ 1450