Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1905

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INDEX. ] G”17‘”·,· J°“Ph» PMB- Gun and Mortar Bafteriea . Paso. G,Pi;;'§;°'§;;,m;·· ---·-·-- · ---·-·--- 1502 upprppriarion for conskructiou ..., 400,1250 peuédm l· dehcxeacg appropriation for c0nstruc% G·***··· J··¢·>*· ````````"“```` for ¤m.1;m,.;;;.;; ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘·‘‘· = ‘···· · ’ . . . y San Fmncxsc 704 G};:;;'??;';":; *3H”“‘“'°t°' °f ·----- - --·--- 1170 m £¤;;;=¤ugo and posicish nudsrs _____ ? ____ 705 G};f3;,';‘°‘;;}5?.:d"g“’“*’“m’ °f --·· · --·-~--· 1011 cousnngciyhor one authorized to replace , • an ., o ichi au" 389 · u mon . . · ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘······ Ggwgnm J:;? C ```` ''`` 18 G ;? 8:1;*:1* Ou t§° Great Lake! ·.-.. 389 to P8·yj}1dgm6¤t in 0886 of, against F1-sd. Payment ti) _________ mm h L¢;:;;k d$· Cvbum ot al . .. 1244 94.,,,;,11, E;;,,,;,;;,, ``'` ’ ‘* . . 3 ndmm s . - Ggzmgzt *¢g¤dml¤1stratrix of ..____ _ _____ nm G3Iz:;¥x %dm 1$|:;:“•°r°f · - ------ 1185 , as . - - gymgntr ggmiumntor of ______ ______ 1170 G::’£'°P““ ‘°¤ f" ·----—-· - ·~-- - ------- 371,1025 ”» ’*P°” · a iati f s num payment to exécutrix of .. . ... . . . . 1170  ?,;“;%:f:;Q? _ g 4$0 1251 Grow, Lqfuyvfiv. for mu mr, and ¤§éL§JZZ ZIQLZ SI1 400:1251 G£;¥;”°g: 2*;; --------·-- — ---~---- - -·-----· 1241 got aiigogl {Lge zéarconu guns _,_,___ _ ____ 135; 6 8 msn n -. v·=¤¤{¤¤ ?¤¤$¤¤<•d —--·-----— - ---~---·- 1584 fg: cozlgm gm ...?Y. {YK1I_1 151, §{ G•¤¤d¢l0¤_p¢, for powder and projoctilcs for proof. 401, 1251 uppropriatwu for consul .. . 269, 830 for machine uns and carriagq .._, ,_,_ 1251 qwéa to United sum ms ¥· $i i· y  ;§ 'i ‘‘‘‘‘’ ml •······•···· · · - ···· B B S o s . , , mmum of . . . . um d625k32E'} .€,§,“,‘{,§i£,, ,,};‘,§‘;3*_· · ‘°’»’§§,§ disposggiou of captured Spanish property ;0l' siege, carriages, sm ______ ___;;;;::; 399

· · ·--·-· • ·--·· - ·--·····---·-- 9 0I' SGI00a! m _ _____ _ ____ _ _ _ _

mliuqgzww of immovable Spanish gm- :-;£jd.5?JT ____ _______________ g _ ··——·· · ---- _· ·-··· —~-· ---·~· OT h · gs ____ _____ casmon on not to atfect pgnvatn property . . 1758 for bsr§?o%:t ?c;:·:i»:g:st: c; §€_ ,,____ ____ 332 copyrights and patent rxghts acqmrod in, Gualer, Bama E. (widow), Ountinlled ..---. .. ... .. 1760 pension ________ _ ______ _ _______ 1511 Gum-anty Inauravwq, Gutierrez, Cdrloc,

 staxnp tax on polncy  . . . . . . 461 to mcqug isiugsuqm at wut point Mn_

lu? 8 r 1 ry g ________ ___ ____ _____

 apprirprinticu for consular . . . .. W2, 832 Guyqndottg 1zs;·"?;;?;;a_,  

malennsala, appro rintiou for ont of .-.. apgnropriation for consul-gcuernl . .. gg; 82L prolingnary cxsmi:=%?;z? to be made- . . or minis or .. . ... 823 mr uecrotbry to legaticu . . . . . 263, 824 ll. Guayaquil, appropriation for consul-general ... 267, 827 Huckberry, Ariz., tbylclfrk lure -. · --.-..--- 271, 832 npproprkwign fvr ·>q¤i1»m•=>¤t of Indian Gudge iracc sc 00 at .,,_ _ _____ ___ _ ______ _ _____ _ gruntzgd pzgsiem (daughter) ...,,, . , . . 1445 Hoqcketi, [Tank W., Guelph (Can a) 1 eticiuncy a r t' { _________ — appropriation kot consul .. . -. . . 269, SSD Hackett, Jere;»;£;%, Guides Army pension increngd .__,__ ____ __ ____ ____ ____ appropriation for . --. .. . . 1070 Hackney, William 1*,, dsuqiemsy rzpropriatiou for. .. 700, 776. 1223 pufmvnt to udnniustratrix of ,_,,, , _ _ _ ____ 1356 Guild, Nellie . (widow), Had ey, Valium (widow), pvnsion - . . ... pension increased . ... 43 Guiltard, George, . Hager,]. K., payment to widow of .. . . 1010 pensmn .. . ... . ... 1553 Gulf of Mexico, Hagny, Lizzie, appropriation for superxnteudcut of lnfe- ; appropriation for, as aelministratrix .. 1469 ¤aving,ctc., stations on coast. 16, 603, 1080 Hamas, Zeuau T., G U r Min., pension , , ,,__ __ _______ _ __________ -

¤u?x:y of channel ordered from, to Ship { Hair,

Island Harbor, Miss 473 stump tax on dressing ____ _ _______ __ ______ 463 appropriation for channel from Bhiplslaml ¤ cn dye; oil; restorative __ _ ____ ____ ______ 463 Haber to .. . . . . . ... 1 = aili anchorage basin to be constructed, ctc . .. 1127 5 upyiropriatiou for minister ____ ___ ______ _ 263 823 Gulf Quarantine Station, { Hailz, Robert, spvmpriation for launch, ctc . 599 Q payment to .,.__,____ _ ___________ _ ____ 1167 tor expenses .. . .. . . 617, 1077, 1094 5 Hale, Ewah JI., Gullcll, John E.,  ; Plymimf to administrator of _______ _ ______ D8;) pension increased .. - - - - - . 1086 Hale, Slqhen S., Gull Luka, Minn., f payment to executor of. _____ _ ______ _ _ ____ 1180 appropriation for damages from construe- E Halgfar, tion of reservoir .. . - 48 hppfopriution for consul-ggusm} _____ 26T gg-; Gum, ('loenring · {O2C]€Pk hiY6 . , .,,_ ,,, , ______ _ ____ 2f1 831 ~mmp tax nn .. . .. i a , yruu . .,

 xm substitutes for .. 463 payment to  . ..,_,_ _ ____   _ ______ 1209

Gummer, Quan A. (widow), Hall, Dr. clap R,, pension nucrcased . . . i . . .. . . . . 1038 · 8·ppX‘0p1‘1¤.tion for .. , .,__._____ _ ______ 1462