Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1945

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INDEX. 1915 Nara! Obsera·atory—Continued, Pe . _’ · · G ,, an np.,,,,,,,.,.. ,0, ,6,,,,,, ,,0 ___________ 3,,,, 5;, ‘···‘·#··*·:;·,;,$"···* ···' ’*' "·"·"·°··¤· Page- °" °°¥! ¤!z¤¤t ewenscs .--.·--.-- 303, 876 harbor lines, estalilisbment of ... 1151 varfprkbuxldings and grounds .. 379, 1036 compensation for tide waters displaced. . . 1151 - rocing rounds, _ penalties; removal of structures . 1151 “Pt[u`°P¤iltl0u for furniture Z .. 371 depositing refuse in navigable waters foror maintenance and target p,·,_,tw°_ 37], 1027 blddm, ____ _ ____, _ _________________ 1152 for telephone connections with Indian not applicable to public works . 1152 Head .. . . . . 871 permits for depositing in defined limits. 1152 { . , °r wut"` ··-- ---- --·----------- - -·-· 373, 1028 using, etc., wlmrves levees etc. forbid- ),,,,,,; R,,,,.,;, of me R,;,,,;;;,,,, den __________ _’ _______ :_ ____ ’ _ 1152 appropriation for clerks, etc., office of. . 301, 874 permits for temporary use ... :;:1::; 1152 toncontinuing publication 301, 874 obstructions by anchoring vessels . 1152 dedciency appropriation for printing addi- by sunken vessels timber etc ..,... 1152 l’l°“'* °°Pi°° ··-··---··-·--··--···-- 123 duties of owner ot snnkeri vessel-, . Z;-- 1152 Napa] Sfaugg, Nmgpoyj, R_ [_, pgngltigs _______ _ _ _ _ _ __________ ______ ____ 1153 appropriation for maintenance of office. . . 371 1egalproceedings,bywhomeonducted etc- 1153 Naval Stations (ece cities where located). power to arrest granted certain officials- 1153 Naval Training Stations, offense to be committed in presence of. 1153 appropgiation for Coasters Harbor Island, examination of prisoner . 1 ... . . 1153 · I- -----. - ···-- · -----·---.. 371, 1026 obstruction to navigation by bridges _ ____ 1153 for Yorba Buena lsland, Cal ... -. 371, 1026 notice to alter; penalty; appeal . . . 1154 dcliclelnggi apprppnatnon for Bureau of 123 Secretiary of War may remove obstructions 1154 88 ------ · ----- - ----- - ----- 0 . Naval Wkrr10ollege, Coasters Harbor Island, vessels grounding, etc., removal of . 1154 . ., Navi ation and Railroad Com an Des Moines apipropriation for maintenance 371, 1026 g and, P Ib 0I' 1’0p¤1l‘¤, GW .---.·... . ... 371 dedcienc a to riation for .. ...,, ,,, 108 Navarre, Anthony 1·'., NdUtgGtt0N?C:;£»)m1£)B‘0R61' of, pllymehli to . . . . ... . . . 1245 appropriation for, deputy, clerks, eta __ 291, 862 ` Navigation (eee Protection of American Sea- to make regulations for allotment of seamen). mcn’s wages, etc- ..,,,, . ...,,,,,_,_ 763 Navigation, Harbor and Inland Waters, Navy (see also Naval Establishment), regulations to prevent collisions on ... 96 appropriation for pensions . . ..,.,,, 276, 820 lelgnitions .. . -.. .. . 3 for rlgimbuxsitpg I survigore of the i ts . - .. · . . .. . " sine, or osses rom destrucrezistered recognition signals .. . .-. . 99 tion of . . . . . . - . - ,.., 346 steam vessel under sail may carry black for pay ... .. .. - . 369, 1024 ball, etc ..., . - - .- - . . gg £or pay, miscellaneous .._,,_, 370, 1025 sound signals .. . . .--. - . or contin ent .. 370 1025 steam vessel to havvwhistle, etc ... 99 for Bureau? of Navigation . . . 370: 1025 sailing vessel to have fog horn and bell, 99 · naval stations. . r .. 371, 1026 signals prescribed .. . ... ---- 99 - \Vnr College and Torpedo School. . 371, 1026 speed of vessel in fog, mist, rainstorm, 99 for 13urieau of Orilnauee ... i ,.,,, 371, 1027 3154; ______ _ ____,__,..,.. . ... te ep 10116 inc 0 m ian Heal ,,,,,_,_ 371 steering and sailingrnles. -- reaepve guns for puxiliary cruisers. 372, 1027 diet;-egg si mils ,,,,.. , ... . . . . . . .. smo e ess-pown er actory .. . 372 1027 rules to beg established for steam vessels 100 magpfmles at Fort Lafayette and Fo;t2’ 027 111 )8SSl11 . .. ..·..---·--- -- ···- - l in --·-·-----·- ·- ----··- ...a. 7 ,1 for lights oi ferryboats, barges, etc .. 102 Pluval Militia . 372, 1028 copies oi; to be furnished, etc .. .. 102 ¤iV{l Gshiblllhrueut . 373, 1028 penalty of officers for failure to observe desagu for statue of David D. Porter 373 pegiiiaiqieiig, em ,,,,., . . , ... 102 for urean of ltquipmeut .. . ..,,, 373, 1029 liability of vessel, owner, etc. , unchanged 103 Hydrogrnphic Office to be part of . 374 penalty of vessel for failure to observe 103 for Buriuu of Equipment, for depots ipa 1029 re lotions .. . .-. . . cou . - - . . ... , former rgrlles for preventing collisions on for Bureau of Yards and Docks. . 375, 1030 iniimd wagers repealed .. .-- -:- . 103 Navel Home .. . . . , 376, 1026 transportation of merchandise in foreign public works, yards, docks, and stavegeels, when forbidden . ... 248 tions .. . . .. . 377. 1030 sagging of {oi-eign vessels between United Naval Observatory .. . . 379, 1036 States ports, permitted, etc 248 for Bureau of Medicine and Qurgery. 379, 1036 transsbipment, etc., of imported merchan— assistant surgeons, age limit raised. . . 380 elise, when permitted .. 2-18 for Bureau ot Supplies and Accounts. 380. 1036 master of foreign vessel to report - 2-18 assistant paymasters, number innot to proceed inland without p€I‘!Dlli. . - 249 0l'B8SGd .. - . .-.. 381 applicable to Alaska . 2-19 for Bureau of Construction and Re- Hccnsas ofmasizers, etc., sail vessels .. 76-1 pair .. --:. --._ ... 382, 1038 bridges over navigable waters, Congress for Bureau of Steam Engineering 383, 1040 to authorize oonetrnction of . . . . 1151 for Naval Academy . --- .. .- . 384, 1040 gccremry of Wai- to approve plans .. 1151 for Marine Corps .. -. - . . . _ 386, 1042 legislature to authorize, on waters for increase of the naval stablishwholly within State . .. . 1151 mont . . ... _ .. - ... 389, 104-1 deviation from plans .. . 1151 for construction and machinery . 389, 1045 Obstruction to navigation not authorized 1151 for armor and armament .. . . 390, 1045 Works oqtgidg hu-ho; linen forbidden,- . 1151 I for equipment . T .. . . . . . . _390, 1045 excavations, alterations, etc., in chan- _ - for expenses of officers on duty with ` nels, etc., only where authorized-. - 1151 Coast aud Geodetic Survey .,... we