Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1967

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INDEX. ]Q37 P0atq7 Serricc—C0utinued. Page. Postal Service—Continued Pagv othec of the Third Assistant Postmaster- office of the Third Assistant Postmaster- ' Ge110ral—C0utmucd. Ge110ra.l—C0ntiuuad. for gpampgd envelopes, etc,, digtribu- for rewards __,________,_,___,,______ 714, 1248 tion . -- . Z .. . . 444, 965 for ciiices at military posts .. . .. 1240 for pospal cards; disnribution . . 444, 965 for First Assistant Postmaster-General- . 1248 for rcgisteradpackagc, tag, ctc., ¢mve1— for frcwdelivery service .. .- . . . . 1248 npcs ... . . 444, 965 detail of clerks of branches of ctc-, to for ghip, steamboat, and way letters. 444, 965 Post-Office Department Waiyhinvton for mdcmmgy my losses of registered forbiddgn ______ _ _____ _’___ ____ ____ , 317 unaigbcr .. . ... 444, 965 private mailing cards may be used 419 fog miscqllaucous .. 444, 965 post-oifccs may be esmblishcd nt military gpgcw,] dqhvgry ; rgvguugg gvgilgblg fg; posts or camps ___, _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ _ 432 expenditures at first-class offices 965 stamp mx on domestic money orders . 459 {ces from available for any employee appropriations unavailable for incapacat first and second class offices; itated employees, civil pension roll, rules .. 965 ctc., forbidden . 965 chica of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster- for railroad routes available for mail Gcuprail, transfer, Union Station, St. Louis,e1:c 965 appropriation for depradations; inspect- thanking privilege extended to Hawaiian 0N ------·----··- - ---- - .. .-.. 444,965 Islands .,.,,, . ,,,,,,__, ______ ______ 966 f<>r 1'°W¤Fd¤, 31’¤'¤¤1¤¤, BW -----.------ 444, 975 money orders, identification of puics, ew., destruction of uuacccptcd proposals for not to be waived, ctc_ ____ _ ________ 966 carrying the mails authorized .. 444 may be drawn without exacting additional of ¤6I’$3i¤ OUR5I' P¤·P61`¤ ---- - - - - ·--...· 444 fcc for correcting errors of postmasbonds required from officials, H1-st, sec- ters; forms, cm ______ ___ __________ 966 ond, and third class p0st—0hic0s 444 Congressional committee to investigate, second, third, and fourth class matter rc- continued; report _______ _ _ _ ____ ____ 955 turned to sender only when prepaid; vacancies; bow filled; report, etc.. -;. . 966 0X09P$i0|1 .. . . .- 444 convention with Honduras for exchange of Congressional committee to investigate money orders -- . .. . .,... . . . . 1607 gostal service -..- . . 4.45 for exchange of pamela by mai} ____ ___ _ 1597 for ciicieucies in revenues .. . . 445 postage on letters written by the b]iu;]___ _ 984 for rent for 0{Hco used in distributing Postal Scrrico Commission, stamps, ctc ... -.. .. --.. 605 deficiency appropriation for expenses ___, 124] for service in territory held by military Poetal Telegraph Company, occupation . ... 959 connection of cable with wires on Aquefor service in military camps, etc . -. 959 duct Bridge .,,_ ,,,, .,.‘_ 664 for substitutes for clerks on vacation. . . 962 Postal Union, Congress of Universal, for clerk hire, third and fourth class appropriation for expenses , . . .._, 220 0ificcs;summerros0rts;o1ection, ctc., convention at Washington, June 15, 1897. 1629 service .. -. .. .. . ... 962 Post-Legged, U’cllha (widow), approprizntioni for rcimbursing M. O. Chap- pension .. . ... . . . . 1412 mam for stolen registered package, Postmurking etc., Stamps, Postal Serrice, an- ...,,.., . . . . 1465 appropriation for .. . .., . . . . 442, 963 deficiency appropriation for tclegraphing. 133, Poatmaator-General, 677, 1239 appropriation for, Assistants, clerks, atc. 311, 884 for purchase of horses, atc .. . ... 133 for postal service, chico of .. . 440, 959 for R, E, Spangler ,,,,., . . .. 133 destruction by, of certain records, offico of fm- fwwdglivgry service .,,. , ,,,,... 133, Auditor for the P0st~0Hica Departe- 147, 677, 709, 714, 1239 mont, authorized. . ... . . . 317 for transportation, railroad routes.. 133, to prescribe regulations for collection, 134, 145, 150, 677, 709, 714, 1240 etc,, of postage on secombclmss matfor wagon service .. -- .. 134 ter . . . . 443 for transportation of foreign mails .. 134 to record abst,i·:u·t of proposals tm- cm·ry· for post-ufiice vars . . . . . . ..-. 134, 1240 ing NIEHS -..- . . . . ·--- . . . . . . 444 · for miscellaneous items . . . . 134 destruction authorized of uuacccpted {0;- rgimbursiug postal revenues, ctc 134 proposals .. . ... 444 for q,15(·iem·igs in revenue ,.,. 145, 966 post-othec building, Washingtznn, under for special facilities . ...--·- 147 vqntwl -- --------·-·-·----- . --·- - 235, 657 for swgmlbom n·u.uspormtion.‘.. 150, 1240, 1248 to assign space in .. .. -. .. 235, 657 im- poszmnrkiug, ctr., stamps, ctc 239, 678 to prescribe form forissueof money orders. 966 for advertising` ,,., . -.. . 677, 678, 709, 1240 i Postmaster, House of Represcnlatires, for R. N. MvA1listcr 677 _ appropriation for, assistant, etc 282. 852 ° {bv payment to certain railroads 678 tbr horses, mail wagons, etc .. ---- 282, 852 for postmustcrs .. . 134, m for postage .. .. . . 283, 852 . 146, 150. 678, 709, 714,1240, 1248 Postmaster, Senate, for H. A. W, Tabor .‘ . . . . ,. . . 678 1 appropriation for, assistant, cbc 279, 848 for special delivery . ..,.. . ,.. 146, 709 Z Postmaatem, jbp mail empreclntieius and inspectors . .. 145, F appropriation for pay .. . ... 441, 959 147, 709, 714 E deficiency appropriation tbr pay ..,... . . .- 134, fgy sg;;;- trgngprprtation ,,. - , 145, { 146, 150, 678, 709, 714, 1240, 1248 147, 150, 709, 711, 714, 1248 for Horace A. W. Tabor . 578 for Union and Kansas P21(*1H<' Railroad. . 710 assistant, and other employees to give gm- (jeugml Bmw-}; Union Pacific Rail- i bond, etc .. . ... . .- - 444 road ,,.,.,,______,_ __ _ _ ___,,_ _ _ ,,,, T10 sale of interim]-revenue stamps by , ______ 454 {0, plgrk hip; __________, 146, 150, 711, 714, 1240 to require ideutitication of pgxyee, atv., of for rent, light, etc . 146, 711, 714, 1240, 1248 ~ money urders after April 1, 1899 966 v01. xxx- -122