Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/371

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332 FIFTYFIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 85. 1898. assistant pathologist, one thousand two hundred-dollars; one clerk, one . thousand dollars; in all, six thousand five hundred dollar-s._ _ _ m12i-‘i¤i¤¤<·fCh¤·¤i¤· D1v1s1oN or Cnmnsrizra One chemist, who shall be chief of dwi- " sion, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant chemist, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant chemist, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk class one, one thousand two hundred dollars; employment of additional assistants in division of chemistry, when necessary, ten thousand dollars; in all, seventeen thousand one hundred dollars. , Divi¤i¤¤ ¤f Mis drD1v1sroN on Sous: One chief of division, two thousand Eve huned dollars · one assistant chief one thousand eight hundred dollarsone assistant, one thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; in all, six thousand three hundred dollars. t naman of Ages. Drvrsiorz or- Acnosronocarz One agrostologist, who shall be chief ° °”‘ of divishim, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant chief, one housan eight hundred dollars· one assistant one thousand Eve hundred dollars; one assistant, ond thousand four hundred dollars; one hisgologist, nine hundred dollars; in all, eight thousand one hundred o ars. “_§f**¤i¤¤ of F·¤¤¤- D1v1810N OF Fo1ms·1·BY: Chief of division, two thousand five hun- ‘ dollars; assistant chief of division, one thousand eight hundred o ars- one clerk class two one thousand four hundred dollars- one clerk class one, one thousaiid two hundred dollars; one clerl;,,nine hunldireld dollars; onle clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, eig t ousun five un red and twenty dollars. d°§;=E·_g¤;;;)¤:;dg·:- thEx1>n§1;nu·z}cr.u.dG.:ln(i1>1i§vs Ann Guotmns: One superintendent, two » thousand ve un re dollars. · ’C'"°“¤· MUSEUM: One caretaker, one thousand dollars. L¤\>¤¤rr- Innnany: One librarian, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant libaarian, one thousand four hundred dollars; one cataloguer, one thousand two hundred dollars- one catalovuer one tho . l l l- lars; one clerk, eight hundred and ’forty dollar;; oiie messenrggtlseggn hundred and twenty dollars; in all, six thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. him;?;; ··f Animal SA.LAn1Es, BUREAU or Armin. INDUSTRY: One chief of Bureau, ` ·' four thousand dollars; one assistant chief, two thousand five hundred dollars; one chiet clerk of Bureau, two thousand dollars; one chief oi inspection division, two thousand five hundred dollars- one assistant chief of inspection division,one thousand eight hundred dollars; one cla2eflotfda;11iydivision, two tholusand five hundred dollars; one assistan c ne o ( airyl ivlsion onethousand eighth 1 il dd lla · `e of pathological division, two thousand tgo hiiiidrlell arid hdyoddlldlfsl two assistants in pathological division, at one thousand two hundred dollars each,_two thousand fbur hundred dollars; one assistant in pathological division, Qlgllt hundred and forty dollars; one chief of hiochemic divisioxntwo thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; two assistants in biocheunc division, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, two thou-

fonralaulndred Elolhms; one assistant in biochemic laboratory, seven

‘ weny dollars- onec ie of `*·ll d' " , thousand dollars; one zoologist, two thousalddadzllaggéllsw wwwa', W 0 inspectors at one thous ind ei ··l t hu d d d ll h, th O veterinary _ · a a g, a_ n re dollars eac t ree thousand ?::Hgll;u{l5e,;ladgl3larls;ttwouveterinary nnslpectors, at one thousand four ‘ _ a c_ , wo thousand cig un redd ll . · '. . at veter1nalryexpe(;·1men1t station, one thousand dolliirg qdnglglgslgj our, one thousand eig t hundred dollars· one l k. l · tl · li thousand six hundred dollars; three clerks, claszsclwoi dlidiissiid two hundred dollars; five clerks, class one, six thousand dollars- seven clerks, at one thousand dollars each, seven thousand dollars · one clerk at eight hundred and forty dollars; two firemen, at seven lulndred and twenty dollars each, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars- four nieilsengers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, two thoiisand cig t_ nndred and eighty dollars; two skilled laborers at six hundred and sixty dollars each, one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars;