Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/395

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356 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 121. 1898. accelerating the high-water current at the site of the bridge shall not _ be allowed. Aids to navigation- Sec. 5. That any corporation, company, or persons owning, controlling, or operating the bridge built under the authority of this Act shall build and maintain at all times as accessory work to such bridge such booms, piers, dikes, guard fences, and similar devices as may be necessary to insure at all times a permanent channel for a sufficient distance above and below the bridge site, and for the guiding of rafts, steamboats, and other craft safely under or through said bridge; and Secretary of W or if at any time after the construction of the bridge and its accessory §_',?§;f,, §§§P’°1 “1°°”‘ works the approaches to draw openings, channel spans, or raft passages ’ in said bridge are ibund to be dangerous or diiiicult of access by river traiiic the Secretary of War may, upon the recommendation of the ' Chief of Engineers, United States Army, order the corporation, company, or persons owning, controlling, or operating said bridge to construct, under his direction, and to maintain such additional sheer booms, dikes, and other devices as will obviate the difficulty mentioned, which additional sheer booms, dikes, and other devices shall be built and maintained at their own expense by said company or persons; and Lights- that said company or persons shall maintain, at their own expense, ‘ from sunset to sunrise such lights and other signals on said bridge as may be required by the Light-House Board for the security of navigation. ssmmy of wu Sec. 6. That the bridge authorized to be constructed by this Act g?jg’_l’"“°““° ’°g“]“' shall be located and built under and subject to such regulations for the security of navigation on said river as the Secretary of War shall —m nppmvn plans. prescribe; and to secure that object said corporation shall submit for ’““*"·°°°‘ his examination a design and drawing of the bridge, piers, approaches, and accessory works, and a map of the location, giving for a space of one mile above and one mile below the proposed location the topography of the banks of the river and the shore lines at high and low water. This map shall be accompanied by another, drawn on the scale of oneinch to two hundred feet, giving for a space of one-half mile above the line of the proposed bridge and onequarter mile below an accurate representation of the bottom of the river, by contour lines tive feet apart, determined by accurate soundings, and also showing over the whole width of this part of the river the force and direction of the currents at low water, at high water, and at least one intermediate stage, by triangulated observations on suitable iioats. The maps shall also show the location of other bridges in the vicinity, and shall give such information as the Secretary of War may require for a full and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and the construction of the proposed bridge shall not be commenced until the location and plans thereof are approved by the Secretary of Wax·. —;¤_;g;:cs¤;)<;;Qr;:; Sec. 7. That any bridge constructed under the authority of this A ct f§,§_ shall be built under the general supervision of the Secretary of War. at-» nutlwrizv alters and no changes or alterations in plans shall be made during the con- ‘"""· struction of said bridge or after its completion unless said changes or alterations are authorized by the Secretary of War. That such alterations and changes as may be required by the Secretary of Wl1I' in said bridge before or after completion, so as to preserve free and convenient navigation. shall be made under the direction of the Secretary of \\'ar, at the expense of the company or persons own ing, controlling, or operat- Yi':·<Hg;_,¤_;::;;€:; ing said bridge. That during original construction or in carrying out

1.n.,repm£?»,m. any authorized changes or repairs of said bridge a navigable channel

shall be preserved at the site of the bridge at all times, and the waterway of the river shall not be obstructed to a greater extent than is absolutely necessary; and such lights and buoys shall be kept on all cotierdams, piles, and so forth, as may be necessary for the security of navigation. nsgms or railroads- SBC. 8. That all railroad companies desiring the use of the bridge authorized by this Act shall have and be entitled to equal rights and privileges relative to the passage of railway trains or cars over the