Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/617

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' 578 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. OH. 545. 1898. Indinnn nt Fmt INDIANS AT FORT BEBTHOLD AGENCY. Berthold Agency. For eighth of ten installments of eighty thousand dollars each, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, as per V¤l·2°·P·1°“°- second article of agreement ratihed by Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, eighty thousand dollars. V Iowss IOWAS. I rumen. For interest in lieu of investment on fifty-seven thousand five hun- . dred dollars, balance of one hundred and fifty-seven thousand tive hundred dollars, to July nrst, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, at live per centum per annum, for education or other beneficial purposes, Vnr10.1>·1¤'¤- under the direction of the President, per ninth article of treaty of May seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars. i<>w¤¤*¤0¤-¤·>¤·¤· IOWAS IN OKLAHOMA. For third of live installments, second series, to be paid per capita Vol-¤6.n7¤¤· under the seventh article of agreement ratified by Act approved February thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, three thousand dollars. Kansas. KANSAS. lnwmt- For interest in lieu of investment on one hundred and thirtyflive thousand dollars, being the amount due the Kansas tribe of Indians, v¤1.s>.nm. per second article of treaty of January fourteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, six thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. mlginknrnnn i¤ KM- KIGKAPOOS IN KANSAS. ¤n¢¤¤¤¤¤- A For interest on sixty-seven thou and two hundred and thirty dollars and nine cents at live per centum per annum, for educational and other WL *°·P·l‘"°· beneficial purposes, per treaty of May eighteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, three thousand three hundred and sixty-one dollars and fifty cents. m¥;¤m¤><·n; Gig **¤¢° This amount to enable the President of the United States to carry W ’out the provisions of the third article of the treaty made with the Kickapoos, dated June twentyeighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to be paid as provided in said treaty, and under such rules as the Sec- _ retary of the Interior may prescribe, to three Kickapoo Indians who have become citizens of the United States, such smn as may be their proportion of the one hundred thousand dollars provided for said tribe VM- ¤°· v- 107* for education and other beneficial purposes, per treaty of May eighteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-tour, one thousand and thirteen dollars and forty-nine cents; in all, four thousand three hundred and seventy-four dollars and ninety-nine cents. M··¤•=1·¤- MOLELS. S¤|¤<>·>¤¤- For pay of teachers and for mmiuallabor schools, and for all necessary materials therefor, and for the subsistence of the pupils, per vm 12,p.¤S1. second article of treaty of December twenty-first, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, three thousand dollars. Nez Perri-s. NEZ PERCES. “·"*°"‘*· For salaries of two matrons to take charge of the boarding schools, two assistant teachers, one farmer, one carpenter, and two millers, per vtn. I4. pow. fifth article of treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, six thousand dollars. m5¤>3¤:&:;£2;l’“¤¤°° NORTHERN CHEYENNES AND ARAPAHOES. suusi-m-¤¤¤.nr·~. For subsistence and civilization, as per agreement with the Sioux Vnhlan- Indians, approved February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and