Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/664

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FIFTY-FIFTH CON GRESS. Sess. II. Ou. 546. 1898. 625 be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, four thousand dollars. Imnnn Ammrnsz To enable the Secretary of the Interior to cause rumegmou of sn. an examination and investigation to be made of outrages and injuries °'S°¤‘*· alleged to have been perpetrated on individual Indians belonging to ` the Seminole tribe by an armed mob or band of lawless persons who invaded the Seminole country during the months of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and January, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, and ii, upon such examination and investigation, it shall appear that outrages and injuries have been so perpetrated, and that the United States is under treaty obligations to pay for such outrages and 701.11,];.704. injuries, he shall ascertain the amount which should be properly paid - ‘ said Indian or Indians, or their legal heirs or representatives, and pay such sum or sums as he may deem just and reasonable, and for such purpose a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated. Dms Moums Rrvna Larms Snrrnmzsz To enable the Secretary of Des Mum. River the Interior to expend any balance of money appropriated under the Act "'f,,'j’*,H,°{{,g ,,, , 0, of August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, remaining unex- ¤1g¤·• vfpended, which sum is hereby reappropriated, to pay such sums as may p`],£}_2§;_'{]2f' be found due to duly qualified settlers who have in good faith tiled pre- ‘ emption or homestead claims, made settlement, resided upon for a period of not less than live years, unless sooner evicted, cultivated and made valuable improvements on the land claimed, and in cases where such persons made actual settlement in good faith, under the preemption and homestead laws, at a time when others were permitted to tile on like lands and in good faith resided upon same for a period of not less than live years, unless sooner evicted, cultivated and made valuable improvements upon the land so occupied, and duly offered to tile for the land settled upon within the time prescribed bylaw, but were not permitted to do so by the otllcers of the Land Department, and did not abandon said lands or procure title to other public lands under any law of the United States, and the further sum of twenty-five thousand dollars is hereby appropriated to enable the Secretary to make such ` payments: Provided, That no part of the aforesaid sums shall be paid umm until the Secretary of the Interior shall and and determine, upon the not ot evidencd or evidence heretofore taken by the special commissioner appointed under ““°‘"‘° ‘“°· said Act of August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and upon such other and further evidence as he may in his discretion take, all of which shall be preserved in his office, what sum,if anything, is justly due to such persons, their heirs and assigns, and the measure of damages shall be in all respects as was provided for claims under said Act of August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and of the foregoing sums two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be expended in making such further examination: Pro- rm:. of settlevidedfurther, That no claim of any preemptor or homesteader shall be “‘°”°·°*°· considered or allowed except upon proofs of settlement, residence, and improvements, as herein required: Provided further, That nothing csmm claims not herein shall be construed as authorizing the reopening or further con- *°}’° “’°""‘°“‘ sideration of any claim reported in lists A and B of the special commissioner’s report as the same appears in Senate document numbered , two hundred and fifty-eight, Fifty-fourth Congress, first session. For the construction of a pedestal for a statue of Daniel Webster, nmsnwsiam-. to be presented to the city of Washington by Mr. Stilson Hutchins, ,,f°,°,‘;f’““1 f" "‘““° the site for said pedestal and statue to be selected by the Joint Committee on the Library, four thousand dollars. But said statue shall not be placed on the Capitol or Congressional Library grounds. UNDER THE WAR. DEPARTMENT. W·r ¤·v·»¤¤¤¤¢~ LKMORIES AND AIRSENALS. natrmories and arso- For the Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, as follows: n°¤k1.1mu,m. _ For machinery and shop fixtures, ten thousand dollars. von xxx-40