Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/782

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 34, 35. 1898. 743 legislature of said State at its next regular session, and if the payment of such balance shall not be provided for at the next regular session of the legislature of Tennessee, then the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required to proceed to collect the same by appropriate proceedings in accordance with the terms of the bonds held by the United States; and in the event the result of said settlement shall —d¤¤th¤ St¤¤¤¤f1‘¤¤- disclose a balance due to the State of Tennessee, they are hereby author ”""°°‘ ized and directed to report the same to Congress with such recommendation as to an appropriation therefor as may be deemed to be proper and just: Provided, however, That nothing herein shall be deemed to be a §•··>¤*•¤•- _ ‘ declaration of priority of right in favor of the State of Tennessee as umgigdp li.°ia1»l»;il between it and the Nashville, Chattanooga and Saint Louis Railway Com- —<=1¤im of nzniist the pany with respect to the claim on account of the McMinnville and Man- S"’°°‘ chester Railroad; but the question of the rights of the State and of said company as to said claim shall be determined as is hereinafter provided: Provided further, That the sum for the value of the iron rails, spikes, —¤1¤1¤¤ ¤f f¤r <¤rt¤i¤ chairs, and so forth, taken by the United States military railroad i’;'$;Yt§],°{,“,'§‘§f' b"°’° authorities from the McMinnville and Manchester Railroad during the years eighteen hundred and sixty-three and eighteen hundred and sixty-four shall not be used in arriving at a settlement of the accounts between the State of Tennessee and the United States unless the Attoruey—General of the United States, the Secretary of War, and the Secretary of the Treasury shall and that the proceeds for amount ot _ said claim belong to the State of Tennessee: Provided further, That iylninn o;, McMinnthe McMinnville and Manchester Railroad Company or the Nashville, §,.i°i,.,°Z£ ;..$°l5Z$Y Chattanooga and Saint Louis Railway Company as its successor shall, **6******- by agents, counsel, or otherwise, have the right to appear and have an equal voice with the State in determining all questions relating to the said claim of the McMinnville and Manchester Railroad Company or the Nashville, Chattanooga and Saint Louis Railway Company as its successor. And the Attorney-General, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of War are hereby authorized and directed to determine the legal and equitable rights, respectively, between the State of Tennessee and the McMinnville and Manchester Railroad Company or the Nashville, Chattanooga and Saint Louis Railway Company as its successor with respect to said claim; and if they shall hud that the proceeds or amount of said claim belong to the State the same shall be allowed as a credit in the settlement of the accounts between the United States and the State of Tennessee; and if they shall iiud that the proceeds or amount of said claim belong to the McMinnville and Manchester Railroad Company or the Nashville, Chattanooga and Saint Louis Railway Company as its successor they shall report the same to Congress for appropriate legislation by Congress. They are authorized to settle all claims and demands of whatever Beportpof cmupiyokind or nature, and any compromise or settlement they may make with ,‘{}],'}§’,,$‘§1_‘l°"·‘?'°”‘ *°' said State of Tennessee, as aforesaid, shall be fully reported back to Congress, giving the basis thereof, for its further action. The said compromise or settlement is not to be effective or iiual until approved by Congress. Approved, May 12, 1898. _*'*';" 8 [N0, 35,] Joint RGSOIHHOH Al1`Hl0!'lZlDg thi? S60f8l5¤l'y of the Treasury to rent ];[ay13_1ggg_ lighting apparatus for Government building at Traus·Mississippi and International ——-—-— Exposition. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the “'§‘}*;*g,;n}_‘t§;;‘;,“gg{ Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to rent electric wiring and posma. _ lamps for the lighting of the exterior of the building for the Govern- G5{}§,’§,°,;{},€',€{,°,f§{’,',,gf ment exhibit at the Traus·Mississippi and International Exposition at _ Omaha, Nebraska, it, in his judgment, such course will be less expen-