Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1072

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1020 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 831. 1901. The_accounting officers of the Treasury are authorized and directed to allow one hundred and ninety-six dollars and sixty-one cents in the accounts of the disbursing officers, District of Columbia, for the purchase of bayonets, swords, and other military equipments from the appropriation, “Contingent expenses, public schools, ’ fiscal year nine- _ teen hundred and one. · Pelice _ METROPOLITAN roL1oE: For miscellaneous and contingent expenses, including modern revolvers, and installation of card system in the police department, stationery, books of reference, and eriodicals, telegraphmg, photographs, (printing, binding, gas, ice, washing, meals for prisoners, furniture an repairs thereto, beds and bed c othing, insignia of office, purchase and care of horses, police equipments and repairs of same, harness, forage, repairs to vehicles, van, ambulance, and patrol wagons, and expenses incurred in the prevention and detection of crime, and other necessary items, on account of the fiscal _ years as follows: A For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, two thousand five hundred dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred, one thousand six hundred and fifty-five dollars and twenty-eight cents. For the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, twenty dollars and seventy-six cents. For fuel, five hundred dollars. · Arne department. FIRE DEPARTMENT: For contingent expenses, horseshoeing, furniture, fixtures, washing, oil, medical and stable supplies, harness, blacksmithing, labor, gas, and other necessary items, on account of the fiscal years as follows: · For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, two thousand dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred, eight hundred and sixty-four dollars and twelve cents. For forage, two thousand five hundred dollars. The provisions contained in the Act of Congress approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, relating to the firemen’s relief fund, may, within the <lfscretion of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, be extended to and used for the relief of any fireman, or his family, although he may not heretofore, or hereafter, have served twelve months. ‘ That the amounts paid by the disbursing officers of the District of Columbia for bicycles, from the appropriations for “Repairs to apparatus and new ap£liances, fire department," are hereby allowed, and the accounting officers of the United States Treasury are authorized and directed to credit the same in the settlement of their accounts, as follows: H. H. Darneille, late disbursing officer, one hundred and Seventy dollars, fiscal year nineteen hundred; C. C. Rogers, disbursing , officer, thirt —five dollars and twenty—ve cents, fiscal year nineteen , hundred andy one. - s€§v<g,}e¢gr¤Ph· em-- TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE SERVICE! For general supplies, repairs, ` new batteries, and battery supplies, telephone rental and purchase, wire for extension of thetelegraph and telephone service, repairs of lines and instruments, purchase of poles, tools, insulators, brackets, pins, hardware, cross arms, icc, 1‘€CO1‘d books, stationery, printing, urchase of horse and harness, washing, blacksmithing, forage, extra labor, new boxes, rent of stable and storeroom, and other necessary _ items, one thousand four hundred and seventy-eight dollars and thirteen cents. ‘. Hawk <i¤P¤¤¤¤¤!¤- HEALTH DEPARTMENT: For maintaining the disinfecting service, one thousand dollars. 'For amount required for preventing the spread of contagious diseases, to be available until expended, fifteen thousand dollars.