Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/11

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. X1. Page. Report on public buildings and grounds, Distwbt of Columbia. Joint resolution authorizing the grinting of additional COPIES of the annual report upon the improvement and care of public ,ui1dings andgrounds. June 2, 1900 .. . ... 718 Army. Joint resolutmn for the appointment of first lieutenants of volunteers in the Signal Corps of the Army. June 4, 1900 ... .- ... 719 Banco Espanol de Puerto Rico. Joint resolution to authorize and empower the Banco Espanol de Puerto Rico SSpanish Bank of Porto Rico) to amend its by-laws. June 6, 19,00* .. 719 Capitol. Joint reso ution relating to the use of the rooms lately occupied by the Congressional Library in the Capitol. June 6, 1900 .. 719 David Bagley. Joint resolution authorizing the Pre ident of the United States to appoint David Bagley as an additional cadet at the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland. June 6, 1900. 720 Lafayette statue. Joint resolution respecting the unveiling of the statue of Lafayette, at Paris, France, July fourth, nineteen hundred. June 6, 1900 .. 720 · George WC Kirkmcm. Joint resolution authorizing the President to appoint George W. Kirkman to be a captain of infantry, United States Army. June 6, 1900 .. 720 Toledo exposition. Joint resolution authorizing foreign exhibitors at the Ohio Centennial and Northwest Territory Exposition, to be held in oledo, Ohio, in nineteen hxmdred and two, to bring to this country foreign laborers from their respective countries, for the purpose of preparing for and makingtheir exhibits, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. June 6, 1900. ; - . .1 .. e. ; . -; 721 Bwwhlo expcsbtlokan. . Joint resolution authorizing foreign exhibitors at the Pan-American Exposition, to be held in Buffalo, New Y0rk,riu nineteen hundred and one, to bring to this country foreign laborers from their respective countries for the purpose of preparing for and making their exhibits under rt ulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. June 6, 1900. Alaska. Joint resolution maliin appro riation for pa ment of the salaries of certain officers in ‘ the district of Alaska for tie iiscafyear ending Jy une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, and for other purposes. June 6. 1900 ... ‘ ... 722 Congressional employees. Joint resolution to pay the officers and employees of the Senate and House of Representatives their salaries for the month of June on the day following adjournment. June 6, 1900 . . ‘ .. 722 District of Columbia. Joint resolution makin§ an emergency appropriation for the repair of certain roads and bridges in the District of C0 umbia. June 7, 1900.. . . . 722 Suns of Vetewms. Joint resolution donating acondemned cannon to the Commandery in Chief of the Sons of Veterans, United States of America. June 7, 1900 . . .. 723 S*rA·rU·ms 11.-1900-1901. District of Columlnkz centennial. An act in relation to thelcelebration of the centennial anniversary of the establishment of the permanent seat of government ixr the District of Columbia. December 7,1900 . 725 Ohio, ·nm·thernjudie·ial district. An act to provide for the appointment of an additional district judge in and for the northern judicialdistrict of the State of Ohio. December 19, 1901. . . ;_ 726 ' Bridge. An act to amend an act authorizing the- construction of a b!·fc‘i£e =·: the Mississippi River at Dubuque, Iowa, approved March sixth, nineteen hund . December 21, 1901-- 726 Appropriations deficekncies. An act makinfg appropriations t0~ supply urgent deficiencies in the appropriations for the fist 11 year en ing June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, and for other purposes. January 4, 1901 .-..-..-...-.-.------ . 727 Electoral messengers. An act providin for the payment of electoral messengers. January 11, 1901 . 728 Surveys, etc., Nebraska. An act proviging for the resurvey of township numbered eight, of range numbered thirty west, of the sixth principal meridian, in Frontier County, State of Nebraska. January 14, 1901 ---.-..-.-.-...--..- ; -. ‘... 729 Dem. An act; permitting the building of a dam aeros the Osage River at the city of Warsaw, Benton County, MISSOUP1. January 14, 1901 --.--.-...-.. · ...-.--.-- 729 Algodones grant. An act for relief of occupants of lands included in the Algodones grant, in Arizona. January 14, 1901 ..-.--.-...-..-... . ...---..-...-.. 729 Iowa, southern judicial district, etc. An act to amend an act approved June first, anno Domini nineteen hundred, entitled "An act to create the southern division of the southern district of Iowa for judicial purposes, and to fix the time and place for holding court therein." January 14, 1900 ...-.--... ». - - 4 - L .-..-.-... 730 Greer County, Tex. An act to provide for the establishment of the intersection of the true one huudreth meridian with Red River, to ascertain the amount of taxes collected by the State of Texas in what was formerly known as Greer County and. the expenditurw made on account of said county by said State, and for other gurgoses. January 15, 1901 -- 731 Arkansas, eastern judicial district. An act to provide for the 01 in? of the circuit and district courts of the United States for the eastern d1strict of Arkansas. anuary 16, 1901 ...-...- . . . 733 Representatives, apportionment. An act. making an apportionment of Representatives in Congress among the several States under the Twe ith Census. January 16, 1901. . . .  ; -.--... . . . . 733 Utah, district courts, etc. An act relating to the accounts of United States marshals and clerks of the district courts of the Territory of Utah. January 19, 1901 --...-...-. '. . .: 734 Tennessee, eastern dwlstrict. An act to change and fix the time for holding the district and circuit courts of the United States for the northeastern division of the eastern district of Tennessee. _ January 19, 1901 ... . . 735 Edward Everett Hayden. An act for the relief of Edward Everett Hayden, an ensign on the retired list of the Navy. January 19, 1901 735