Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1172

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1 120 FIFTY SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. GH. 852. 1901. u£f“*“¤· nam Sm NAVAL STATION, TUTUILA: Coal-storage plant, extensions, two hundred thousand dollars; grading, twenty-tive thousand dollars; in all, naval station, Tutuila, two hundred and twenty-ve thousand dollars. uQl;*}Qti%%1;r S- G-. _ NAVAL STATION, CnARLEsroN, Sotrru CAROLINA: _Dry dock, authorizvpgy `aock ·aut.hor· IZGCE by (Actt of J ape setvenph, nineieizlen hundredl,lyVh1c;h sh?l bg og coné · cre e an s one, cos no more an one m1 1on wo un re an _ _ fifty thousand dollars, for which contract is hereby authorized, one Pg§{’*}§§*$;§“‘,}$§§1a§‘f§ hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and all appropriations for ublic f@>r= tmilsfer vf Sw- works at the naval station, Port Royal, made prior to the Act oi) June im' em seventh, nineteen hundred, which have not been expended are hereby authorized to be expended for the transfer of such station to and the construction of public works at the naval station, Charleston, South Carolina, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy. va*§*j,¤;§i’S wd P*‘°S€*· RIdPAIRSi AND ransmnvivrion A·r (IQTAVYAYARDS AN; SEAT§N% thFor repairs an reservation a navy-yar s an stations Ve un re ousand dollarsl? ’ hIn alla, puéblic vgoiiks, six million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand an ten dollars. -E“·‘¥"°Ym"“‘ Of ‘*d‘ The Secretary of the Navy ma em lov and ay out of appropriad1 1 nal draf n . at;.0 tsmetions for "Public Works, Navy-`1§h.rds?and Sta§0ns," such aiiiilitibnal elxpert aids, draftimpn writgrs, ang copyists as may be necessary for t e re aration o pans an s eci cations. €s{gg1l;;{1§hg€t°-h&v<L‘; The Sbcretary of the Navy i)s hereby directed to have the coast and Smionm pom Rico. the waters of the island of Porto Rico examined into and to re ort to the next Congress upon the advisability of establishing a l)Inited States} naval station on lsaid cioast; the most suitsgblelplace for the same, consi ering, among other t ings, the topo rap ica and strate ic situation of this island with reference to the ignited States and tie pro- _ _ _ posed Nicaragua Canal, and the estimated immediate cost of the same. “‘Ph*“p*““‘°’ m*"’dS· The Secretary of the Navy is hereby directed to have the coast and the waters of the Philippine Islands examined into and to report to the next Congress upon the advisability of establishin ai United States naval station on said coast and the most suitable place for the same. §i,’Qt§§,,§‘}§’§é (533,,, For establishing and marking the boundary line of the property of e¤¤¤>1¤S¤€d· ew- the Government on Blythe Island, in the State of Georgia, to lay out qepmou a rige(;a%#e uporé glile s§me, gud c<;nitirucltI a boat llandi{)1g,dtwo ttléopé ‘ san o rs; an e ecre ary o I e av IS ere y 1I‘€C e iéeport to the next Congressdasgfo lfhel ciond§ion and extent of any overnment property at said yt e s and, Georgia; whether the title to the same is good, and whether it is adapted to the necessary wants of the Navy Department. .B“’€¤“ 0* N“ig°· PUBLIC w0RKs—BURnAU or NAVIGATION. tion. Naval Academy- NAVAL AoADEMY: Buildings and grounds, Naval Academy: Toward p}§;};§}Q}£_ and im the construction of buildings, and for other necessary improvements, at the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, as authorized by the Am.-, p.SsS. Act of Congress approved June seventh, nineteen hundred, and in accordainip Vsgthdthpi plans apprgved by the Secretary of the Navy, _ nineteen un re , t ree million ol ars. - Appr“‘“°”‘ Provided, That the Secretar of the Navy may, if he deems it for the best interests of the United, States, proceed and acquire title to the land and buildings authorized to be purchased under the Act of Congkress zgptproveld J imc sevelnth, nineteen hundred, by condemnation t ereo y ju icia rocee ings to be commenced in the appropriate circuit court of the ignited States, which court shall, for the ggrpgse of _ ascertaining the true value of the said land and buildings, appoint three commissioners, who shall be competent and disinterested a praisers, and all the proceedings for the condemnation aforesaid shall be in