Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1174

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1122 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 852. 1901. N¤r¤1 0b¤erv¤¤>ry- NAVAL oEsERvAToRr. Grounds. etc- NAVAL OBSERVAToRY: For grounds and roads: Continuing grading, extending roads and paths, clearing and improving grounds, ten thou- ?¤r¤h»zs¢ ¤f lands sand dollars; for the purchase of lands lying within the Observatory rm °"°1€‘ em circle, as established by the joint resolution of August iirst, eighteen _ hundred and ninety-four, one hundred and forty-nine thousand five "“`““°“" S*‘l°· hundred and seventy-one dollars and eight cents; and the Secretary of V the Navy is authorized to sell, at such time and in such manner as may WL 2B' p' 583 be most advantageous, but at prices not less than those fixed in eighteen hundred and ninety-four, by the board of appraisers of wgich John W'. Ross was chairman, such lands of the Naval Observatory reservation as are situated without the limits of said circle. auI;gg;§z€d‘?f "m‘°'S For the expenses of the board of visitors to the Naval Observatory, two thousand dollars. There shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, from persons not officers of the United States a board of six visitors to the Naval Observatory, four to be astronomers of high professional standing and two to be "“pP°“"m€““· °‘°· eminent citizens of the United States. Appointments to this board shall be made for periods of three years, but provision shall be made by initial appointments for shorter terms so that two members shall retire in each year. Members of this board shall serve without compensa- ·**=xP°°S"S· tion, but the Secretary of the Navy shall pay the actual expenses necessarily incurred by members of the board in the discharge of such duties as are assigned to them by the Secretary of the Navy or are otherwise imposed upon them. The board of visitors shall make an —¤L¤¤¤1vi¤ir- annual visitation to the Observatory at a date to be determined by the · Secretary of the Navy, and may make such other visitations not exceeding two in number annually by the full board or by a duly appointed committee as may be deemed needful or expedient by a majority of -re1><>rt- the board. The board of visitors shall report to the Secretary of the Navy at least once in each year the result of its examinations of the Naval Observatory as respects the condition of buildings, instruments, and apparatus, and the etheiencywith which its scientific work is prosecuted, and shall also report as respects the expenditures in the administration of the Observatory. The board of visitors shall pre are and —¤¤&·’¤l¤¤<>¤¤· Bm- submit to the Secretary of the Navy regulations prescribing the sco e of the astronomical and other researches of the Observatory and the duties of its staff with reference thereto. When an appointment or detail is to be made to the office of astronomical director, director of the Nautical Almanac; astronomer, or assistant astronomer, the board of visitors may recommend to the Secretary of the Navy a suitable person to fill such office, but such recommendation shall be determined only by a majority vote of the members present at a regularly called t Rgrrért &fN§}_§§$¤g¤,; meeting of the board held in the city of Washington. The Superinsgilvgtory prescribed. tendent of the Naval Observatory shall be, until further legislation by Congress, a line officer of the Navy of a rank not below that of captain. Bureau cfhiedicins BUREAU or MEDICINE ANDSURGERY. and Surgery. r,§;}’g°°“S` “°°·"SS‘*‘ MEDICAL DEPARTMENT: For surgeons’ necessaries for vessels in commission, navy-yards, naval stations, Marine Corps, and Coast Survey, and for the civil establishment at the several naval hospitals, navy-yards, naval laboratory, and department of instruction, inuseun1 of hygiene, and Naval Academy, ninety-tive thousand dollars. H¤SPi*¤l*“¤d· NAVAL HOSPITAL FUND: For maintenance of the naval hospitals at the various navy-yards and stations, and for care and maintenance of patients in other hospitals at home and abroad, forty thousand dollars. C°¤“¤g°¤*°XP°““S· CONTINGENT, BUREAU or BIEDICINE AND SURGERY: For freight, expressage on medical stores, tolls, ferriages, transportation of sick to