Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1189

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 853. 1901. ll37 directs the Secretary of the T reasur to cause suitable accommodations to be provided in the new United States post-oflice, court—house, and custom-house building for all officials of the United States located in said city who are entitled to quarters in public buildings, are hereby repealed; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to retain the custody and control of the property of the United States in said city now occupied as a court-house, custom-house, and post-oflice, to rearrange and remodel the same as may be necessary for Romodoiioaotopublic business, and to assign the space therein to such officials located in said city who are entitled to offices in public buildings as in his judgment shall be proper; and that all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistenp with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are hereby, re ea ed. EIIARINE HOSPITALS: For buildin for laboratory, Marine-Hospital M*‘·’i“° h;’SP*”*“S· _ Service: For the erection of the negessary buildings and quarters for a izezilbomo y mmm laboratory for the investigation of infectious and contagious diseases, and matters pertaining to the public health, under the direction of the Supervising SurlgIeon—General, thirty-five thousand dollars; and the —-site Secretary of the avy is authorized to transfer to the Secretary of the Treasury, for use as a site for said laboratory, ive acres of the reservation now occupied by the Naval Museum of Hygiene. Books and journals for the use of the Marine-Hospital Bureau may w§,‘j°kS· °‘°·· {0* B“‘ be purchased during the Hscal year nineteen hundre and two at acost ` not to exceed five hundred dollars, and paid for from the appropriation for the Marine—Hospital Service. ‘ QUARANTINE Simmons: For quarantine station, Reedy Island, Dela- Q¤**’**~¤°i¤€S°¤*i°¤¤~ ware River: For reclamation of ground and additional quarters, twelve thousand dollars; for boarding vessel, fifty thousand dollars; in all, sixty-two thousand dollars. For quarantine station, Delaware Breakwater, Delaware: For bulk- “,3§,l"‘"*"" B’““k' headin , two thousand five hundred dollars. For Dape Fear quarantine station: For quarters for detained crews, Capo Foot two thousand dollars. For quarantine station, Savannah, Georgia: For ballast gangway, S¤v¤¤¤=¤h»Gowith tracks and cars and sheds, four thousand five hundred dollars. For Columbia River quarantine station: For hos ital and lazaretto, Colombia Riverfor pumpin station, and for mooring buoy and anchor, eight thousand five hun red dollars. For Port Townsend quarantine station: For boarding vessel, forty Por¤Tow¤so¤<i. thousand dollars. LIGHT—HOUSES, BEACONS, AND Foo SIGNALS. C0k;s1;g1&o§)¤§=séigg>}5z— Fort Wadsworth light and fog-signal station, New York: For moving \:F5> r ¤ Wadsworth. the light and fog signal now at Fort Tom kins to Fort Wadsworth, A Eémovsi mtr ron both in the Narrows, New York Harbor, New York, and establishin T°m*’k‘“S“gh*· a light and fog signal at Fort Wadsworth, New York, twelve thousand nine hundred dollars. ‘ Norwalk Harbor lighted beacons,Connecticut: For completing estab- N"’“’““‘·C°““- lishment of beacons at Round Beach, Fitchs Point, White Rock Reef, alng Grassy Hammock, Norwalk Harbor, Connecticut, four hundred o ars. For a light and fog-signal station on Pecks Ledge, Norwalk Harbor, Connecticut, ten thousand dollars. For a light on Long Beach day beacon, Norwalk Harbor, Connecticut, two thousand five hundred dollars. , For a beacon light near Grubbs Landing, Delaware River, Dela- D,§,f\§a‘;;’§,,f:;?§d*"€· ware, eight thousand dollars.` Tender for the inspector, Third light-house district: For completing ,r§,§“d"'· Thim *1** tender in accordance with authorized contract, sixty-two thousand five ` hundred dollars. - vox. xxx1i72