Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1191

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FH<`TY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. C11. 853. 1901. 1139 Relief light vessel for the Twelfth and Thirteenth light-house dis- ,,`{?5}t{1pfauZ,—‘*;$.l» tricts (Paciiic coast): For constructing, equipping, and outiitting, com- mum armies. mi plete for service, a first·class steam light vessel, with steam fog signal; and the Light-House Board is authorized to employ temporarily at mg";mppp¤p>‘ draftslllashington three draftsmen, to be paid at current rates, to prepare ` theplans for the light-house vessel for which appropriation may be made; such draftsmen to be paid from the appropriation for building said vessel; such employment to cease and determine on or before the date when, the plans for such vessel being finished, proposals for building said vessel are invited by advertisement, ninety thousand dollars. Admiralty Head, Washington: For the removal and reconstruction Admimlt,. H,,,,d_ of light-house buildings, to make way for new fortifications. To be ""**$h· expended in part payment of the cost, twelve thousand dollars. Tender for the Thirteenth light-house district: For the completion d,;%;{l°Y» Thiptespth of a powterful seagoing tender for the Thirteenth light-house district,' twent thousand ollars. Ten5der for the Sixteenth light—house district: For completing steam *SlXpp·p¤th di¤m<=*>· tender for the inspector Sixteenth light-house district, thirty thousand dolla•rs. LIGHT-Housn Esrranmsnmmvtr. ,,S%§1lg;§¤¤S<= Emb- SUPPLIES or LIGHT-Houses: For supplying fog signals, light-houses, Supplieand other lights with illuminating, cleanin , preservative, and such other materials as may be required for annuaT consumption; for books, boats, and furniture for stations, traveling expenses of civilian member of Light-House Board in attending meetings of board at Washington, and not exceeding three hundred dollars for the purchase of technical and professional books and periodicals for the use of the Light-House Board, and for all other necessary incidental expenses, four hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars.

  • REPAIRS or LIGHT-HoUsns: For repairing, protecting, and improv- Repairs.

ing light—houses and buildings; for improvements to grounds connected therewith; for establishing and repairing day marks and pier—head and other beacon lights, including purchase of land for same; for illuminating apparatus and machinery to replace that already in use; construction of necessary outbuildings, at a cost not exceeding two hundred dollars at any one light station in any fiscal year; and for all other necessary incidental expenses relating to these various objects, six hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars. SALARIES OF KEEPERS OF LIGHT-HOUSES; For salaries, fuel, rations, ,K¤<>p<=pS’ Salariesrent of quarters where necessary, and all other necessary incidental expenses of not exceeding one thousand six hundred light-house and fogl-signal lgieepelgs and gagcyers attending other lights, seven hundred an eighty- ve thousand o lars. ‘ Exrgiaxsns or LIGHT-vnssnnsz For seamen’s wages, rations, repairs, Light ‘~‘p¤¤¢l¤· salaries, supplies, and temporary employment, and all other necessary irécidentgldexpenses of light-vessels, four hundred and seventy-tive thousand ollars. . EXPENSES OF BUoYAGE: For expenses of establishing, replacing, and B“°Y**g*`*· maintaining buoys of any and all kinds, and spindles, and for all other n§cessar(y incidental expenses relating thereto, five hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Exrmrsns or FOG sIGNALs; For establishing, replacing, du licating, F°g Signalsand improving fog signals and buildings connected therewitlil and for repairs, the purchase of land for sites for fog signals, and for all other Eeceslsiary ingigerital expenses of the same, one hundred and seventy- ve thousand ol ars. LIGHTING or mvnns: For establishing, supplying, and maintaining ¤ishti¤s <>friv¤p¤· post lights on the Hudson and East rivers, New York; the Raritan River, New Jersey; Connecticut River, Thames River, between Norwich and New London, Connecticut; the Delaware River between