Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1200

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1].48 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 853. 1901. thousand dollars; two clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one engineer, one thousand and eighty dollars; three Bremen, at six hundred dollars each; two watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; four ianitors and messengers, at six hundred dollars each; one janitress, four hundred and eighty dollars; one messenger, two hundred and fortydollars; in all, twenty-six thousand six hundred and forty dollars. 0***** °f¤¢<=¤¤¤*¤· Office of accounts: Disbursing agent, two thousand two hundred • dollars; examiner of accounts, one thousand six hundred dollars; property clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk of class one; bookkeeper, one thousand and eighty dollars; in all, seven thou- _ sand six hundred and eighty dollars. V _ mQ,“;$1;,g;€r¤’°hi”°‘ Office of architect and engineer: Architect and engineer, two thou- ` sand two hundred dollars; draftsman, one thousand two hundred dollars; draftsman, nine hundred dollars; clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, Bve thousand and twenty dollars. m§gVi¤*<>¤ of ash °“l· Divisionlof Bsh culture—·OBice: Assistant in charge, two thousand ` seven hu dollars; su erintendent of car and messenger service, one thousand six hundred` dollars; one clerk-of class three; one clerk of class two; two clerks of class one; one copyist, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, ten thousand four hundred and twenty dollars. Division of Bsh culture—Station employees: Central Station, Washington, District of Columbia: Clerk, nine hundred dollars; skilled laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; laborer, four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, two thousand one hundred dollars. C€¤¤‘¤lS’°¤“°¤- Aquaria, Central Station: Superintendent, nine hundred and sixty dollars; skilled laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. Fish ponds. Fish ponds, Washington, District of Columbia: Superintendent, one thousand Bve hundred dollars; foreman, eight hundred and forty dollars; two laborers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; in all, three thousand six hundred and sixty dollars. _G¤*=¤¤ Lake- M6- Green Lake (Maine) Station: Superintendent, one thousand Bve hundred dollars; foreman, seven hundred and eighty dollars; Bsh— culturist, six hundred and sixty dollars; two laborers, at Bve hundred and forty dollars each; in all, four thousand and twenty dollars. C*‘¤igSB¤>°k· ME- Craigs Brook (Maine) Station: Superintendent, one thousand Bve . hundred dollars; foreman, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one skilled laborer, six hundred dollars; two laborers, at Bve hundred and forty dollars each; in all, three thousand nine hundred dollars. St -’°h¤S-b¤¤‘· VL Saint J ohnsbury (Vermont) Station: Superintendent, one thousand Bve hundred dollars; Bsh-culturist, nine hun red dollars; skilled laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two laborers, at six hundred dollars each; in all, four thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. G‘°“°°S“"· Mm- Gloucester (Massachusetts) Station: Superintendent, one thousand Bve hundred dollars; Bsh-culturist, nine hundred dollars; three laborers, at six hundred dollars each; in all, four thousand two hundred dollars. W°°dS Hm- Mm- Woods Hole (Massachusetts) Station: Superintendent, one thousand Bve hundred dollars; machinist, nine hundred and sixty dollars; Bsh— culturist, nine hundred dollars; pilot and collector, seven hundred and twenty dollars; three Bremen, at six hundred dollars each; one skilled laborer, six hundred dollars; three laborers, at Bve hundred and forty dollars each; in all, eight thousand one hundred dollars. °°P*’ Vi¤°°’“‘· N- Y~ Cape Vincent (New Vork) Station: Superintendent, one thousand Bve hundred dollars; skilled laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; machinist, nine hundred and sixty dollars; two Bremen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two laborers, at Bve hundred and forty dollars each; in all, Bve thousand seven hundred dollars. Bemy I¤l**¤d· Md- Battery Island (Maryland) Station: Custodian, three hundred and sixty dollars. ”