Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1211

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 853. 1901. 1159 REPRODUCING PLATS OF SURVEYS: To enable the Commissioner of Su§$g;gd“°i¤gPl¤¤S°f the General Land Office to continue to reproduce worn and defaced ` official plats of surveys on file and other plats constitutin a part of the records of‘said office, and to furnish local land offices with the same, two thousand five hundred dollars. EXAMINATIONS OF DESERT LANDS: To enable the Secretary of the Examinations of Interior to examine, under such re ulations and at such compensation d°”m1°mdS‘ as he may prescribe, the desert langls selected by the States under the provisions of section four of the Act of Congress a proved August Vol.28,p.42. eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, three thousand dollars. REsERvAT1oN or RECORDS, GENERAL LAND OFFICE! For continuing g$g§;g;L¤rg}(9mgg; the work of rearranging, indexing, and reserving the records of the eordersoiiihe. recoruer’s office of the General Land Office, one thousand dollars: Provided, That any balance remaining to the credit of the appropria- §;_Yg§gé Om to t,_ tion for this purpose for the current fiscal year nineteen hundred and ation avsiiabigi) P one, and uncontracted for on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, may be used during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two for the purposes indicated. _ TRANSCRIPTS OF REcoRDs AND rLATs, GENERAL LAND OFFICE! For 0,§§“,,"§,‘i’,§§’E,_°f ’°°‘ furnishing transcripts of records and plats, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand dollars: Pro- __f;gg§g<{é vided, That copyists employed under this appropriation shall be selected' by the Secretary of the Interior at a compensation of two dollars per day each while actually employed, at such times and for such periods as the exigencies of the work may demand. PAYMENT OF FEES, AND so FORTH, GENERAL LAND OFF1oE: For the P“Ym€¤6°“€¤¤»¤¤=- payment of revenue stamps. notarial and recording fees on reconvey- ances of land to the United States, five hundred dollars. sunvnrmc. THE runmo LANDS· i§,`5§i€"”g public For surveys and resurveys of public lands, three hundred and twenty- Suweyi ""°S’ °t°‘ five thousand dollars, at rates not exceeding nine dollars per linear mile for standard and meander lines, seven dollars for township, and _ Eve dollars for section lines, to be immediately available: Provided, f>)fZ§;$‘§gc€,_ That in expanding this appropriation preference shall be given, first, in favor of surveying townships occupied, in whole or in part, by actual settlers and of lands granted to the States by the Act approved V°l- 2* P- 676- February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and the Acts approved July third and July tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and, second, to surveying under such other Acts as provide for land V0]- 26· PP· 2169*4- grants to the several States, except railroad land grants and such indem- _ nity lands as the several States may be entitled to in lieu of lands granted them for educational and other purposes which may have been sold or included in some reservation or otherwise disposed of, and other surveys shall be confined to lands adalpted to agriculture, lines of reservations, except forest reservations, an lands within boundaries of forest reservations, except that the Commissioner of the h,§]§i§;a,§g,‘§§,;°g General Land Office may allow, for the survey and resurvey of lands lands. heavily timbered, mountainous, or covered with dense undergrowth, rates not exceeding thirteen dollars per linear mile for standard and meander lines, eleven dollars for township, and seven dollars for sec- _ _ tion lines, and in cases of exceptional difficulties in the surveys, where {{§§°"’p“°““1 d‘m°“]‘ the work can not be contracted for at these rates, compensation for surveys and resurveys may be allowed by the said Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, at rates not exceeding eighteen dollars per linear mile for standard and meander lines, fifteen dollars for township, and twelve dollars for section lines: Provided _ _ _ further, That in the States of California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, C0§*§;Q,‘},S,;‘}§§}{§6Q$;?·