Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1216

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1 164 r1F*rY-S1x*rH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. cs. ssa. 190],. site of the hos ital. In case such exchange is made the Secretary is also authorized) in his discretion to grant a roadway along the south side of said tract, from Nichols avenue to the river, not exceeding ninety feet in width. Any of the buildings authorized in the sundry civil appropriation Act approved June sixth, nineteen hundred, for the Government Hospital for the Insane may be erected on land now owned or that ma * be acquired hereunder by the United States for the Government Hlospital for the Insane. New S¤¤b1¢· For construction of a new stable building to be erected on the oppo- - site side of Nichols avenue, adjacent to the other farm buildings, twenty-five thousand dollars, to be immediately available. .€<>*¤¤¤¤i¤I¤¤¤i¢¤· CURRENT EXPENSES or THE COLUMBIA INs:rrrU·r1oN ron THE DEAF tion for Deaf and . . . . . numb. _ AND DUMB; For support of the inst1tution, including salaries and moi- °“"”°‘“°“’€“S“‘ dental expenses, for books and illustrative a paratus, and for general repairs and improvements, fifty-six thousand) five hundred dollars. or repairs to the buildings of the institution, including plumbing and steam heating apparatus, and for repairs to pavements within the grounds, three thousand dollars. ,§{g;j;{,*},,}{,§,ig°¤i*Y· HowAm> Umvnnsrrrz For maintenance of the Howard University, ` to, be used in payment of part of the salaries of the officers, professors, teachers, and other regular employees of the university, the balance of which will be aid from donations and other sources, of which sum not less than one igousand five hundred dollars shall be used for normal instruction, twenty-nine thousand dollars; For tools, materials, fuel, wages of instructors, and other necessary ex nses of the industrial department, three thousand dollars; Er books, shelving, furniture, and fixtures for the law and general libraries, nine hundred dollars; For improvement of grounds and repairs of buildings, two thousand dollars: For material and apparatus for chemical, physical, and hatural history studies, and use in laboratories, including cases and shelving, two hundred dollars; g _ In all, thirty-five thousand one hundred dollars. &g·;§,*;·9r for REINDEER Fon ALASKA: For support. of reindeer stations in Alaska, ' for the instruction of Alaskan natives in the care and management of the reindeer, and for the purchase and introduction of reindeer from Siberia for domestic purposes, twenty-five thousand dollars. vm D°p“"m€‘“‘ UNDER THE WAR DEPARTMENT. ,,,,§§“°""" ""d “”"‘ ARMoR1ES AND ARSENALS. Rock IS1¤¤d.111- For the Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, as follows: For machinery and Shop fixtures, ten thousand dollars. For general care, preservation, and improvements; for painting and care and preservation of permanent buildings; for building· fences and sewers and grading grounds, ten thousand dollars. ‘ For entire completion of excavating· rock, earth, and other matter from tailrace of the Government water—power dan1 at the Rock Island Arsenal below the junction of the tailraces of the Moline and Government (gms of said power, one hundred and thirty thousand five hundred o lars. For replanking and repainting the Moline Bridge, two thousand five hundred dollars. u For the Rock Island, Bridge, as follows : For operating and care and preservation of Rock Island bridge and viaduct, twelve thousand five hundred dollars.