Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1223

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 853. 1901. 1171 between Louisa and mouth of the river, one hundred and forty thousand dollars. · Improvin Calumet Harbor, Illinois: For continuing improvement, C“l*¤¤°*H¤*b0r»m· two hundreg and fifty—£ve thousand dollars. ‘ Improvin Congaree River, South Carolina: For continuing improve- S %°“¥¤“’€ Rimgieipt from Gervais street bridge, Columbia, to Granby, fifty thousand` o ars. , Improving Delaware River,·Pennsylvania and New Jersey: For con- ,,f§§fg"§"j Ri*€'· tinuing improvement, sixty-one thousand five hundred dollars. ·` Improving Detroit River, Michigan: For continuing improvement, Detroit River. Mich. three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. · Improving harbor at Everett, Washington: For continuing improve- Everett Wash. ment, ninety thousand dollars. Improvin Hudson River, New York: For continuing improvement, H“dS°“ R“'€’·N· Y- one hundred thousand dollars. _ _ _ Improving‘Mississippi River from the mouth of the Ohio to Minne- ,,§§,’f*,;'*§,‘,§’§ 0,R(§§$c§ apolis, Minnesota: For continuing improvement between Saint Paul to Mmoeopolis. and Minneapolis, one hundred an nhfty-seven thousand dollars. Improving harbor at New York, New York: For continuing improve- Al§g;j)sg’g{]*;nIj1¤{Mrment of Ambrose Channel (formerl known as East Channel) across °` Sandy Hook Bar, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Improving harbor at New Haven, Connecticut: For continuing NW H**"°¤·C°¤¤· imlrgovernents, fifty thousand dollars,. lproviiig waterway from Norfolk, Virginia, to sounds of North N,¥§{,*§'{§YS0u¤,§;°(’g Caro ina: or continuing improvement of Deep Creek, Virginia, North Carolina. Turners Cut, Croatan Sound, and Pasquotank River, North Carolina, twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars. _ _ Improving Ohio River below Pittsburg, Pennsylvania: For con- P,%§{,‘f,,gIf$’;’ b°l°" tinuing construction of Dams Numbered T irteen and Eighteen, forty thousand dollars. . Improving Ocmulgee River, Georgia: For continuing improvement, G£°m“lg"° Ri'°*· forty thousand dollarsj ” “ ‘ · _ Improving Patapsco River, Mar land: For continuing improvement P°“’*pS°° B“""’·Md· V of channel to Baltimore, four hundiied and seventy-tive thousand three hundred and fifty-two dollars. _ Improving Potomac River: For improvement below the city of P°“”““° R"'- Washington, ninety-eight thousand dollars. _ Improving,. harbor at Saint J ose‘ph, Michigan: For completing S*·J°s°Ph·M‘°*L improvement, thirty-eight thousand ollars. mproving Savannah River, Georgia: For continuinig improvement G§“"““““h I’·iV°'· between Augusta and Savannah, one hundred thousan dollars. Improving Tampa Bay, Florida: For continuing improvement of Tempe Ber·F1e channel from the Gulf of Mexico to Port Tampa, one hundred and twenty-seven thousand dollars. _ Improving harbor at Toledo, Ohio: For continuing `improvement, b0r£f?1€d°· Ohm- lm" eight thousand dollars. , _ _ mproving Warrior and Tomb%Vbee rivers, Alabama and Mississippi: big,’;‘§§§t€§,f‘_‘,i,,’l`§§,, For continuin improvement of arrior River by the construction of MBS- the three locgs and dams next below Tuscaloosa, two hundred and forty thousand dollars. NATIONAL CEMETERIES- s£fm°°°1 °€m°°°` For. NA·r1oNAL oamncrnmasz For maintaining and improving national M°i¤“>¤**¤¢°· cemeteries, including fuel for superintendents of national cemeteries, pay of laborers and other employees, purchase of tools- and materials, one hundred thousand dollars. _ Fon snrnmntrnnnantrs or NATIONAL CEMETERIESZ For pay of S“*"*'“"°“d°“""· seventy-five superintendents of national cemeteries, sixty-one thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars.