Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1240

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1188 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 853. 1901. . in either of said last quarters, the unexpended balances of allotments ffggiifimml Rpm for preceding quarters may be expended: Iimaided, That so much as ereepzea. may be necessary for printing and binding the Annual Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, as required by the Act approved January twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, shall not be included in said allotments. L<~>=¤·¤¤<>f¤bS€¤¢·¤· To enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions of the law granting thirty days’ annual leave to the employees of the Government Printing Office, two hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. };*;%¥,gigi;;};¤§h m_ That there be printed and bound one thousand six hundred copies of ccption ei; report er- the proceedings in connection with the reception of the Webster dmd P““‘°d· °‘°‘ statue on January eighteenth, nineteen hundred, in the form prescribed by law for eulogies, of which one hundred shall be for the use of the donor of the statue, three hundred delivered to the Senators and Representatives of the States of New Hampshire and Massachusetts, four hundred for the use of the Senate, and eight hundred for the use of the House of Representatives, and that the Public Printer be, and he is hereby, directed to rocure a photogravure of the said statue, and photogravures of each of the two bronze panels, and of the unveiling, for insertion in said volumes. Appr<2p(§¤¢i¤¤ fer For completion of construction of a fire-proof building for the use mw bm ng' of the Government Printing Office and for each and every purpose connected therewith, including the cost of all professional and other personal services that the Chief of Engineers of the Army may deem necessary and for necessary books and periodicals, and for the rent of ofiice rooms in a locality convenient to the work, to be expended under the direction and supervision of the said Chief of En ineers, one million three hundred and four thousand dollars, which shall be immediately available. mi*aI;{>;§¥;;i§i°;; églr Sec. 2. That all sums appropriated by this Act for salaries of officers eee.and employees of the Government shall be in full for such salaries for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, and all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. - A}’idl=1{¤dS- _ _ Sec. 3. That section four of the Act of August eighteenth, eighteen ,,,;l§’§§g§,?l§El? $$,1; hundred and ninety-four, entitled "An Act making atppropriations for Stgffgsfiiégg mn- sundry civil expenses of the Government for the scal year ending `n June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and for other urposes," is hereby amended so that the ten years’ period within which any State shall cause the lands applied for under said Act to be irrigated v¤1.2e>.p.434- and reclaimed, as provided in said section as amended by the Act of June eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, shall begin to run from the date of approval by the Secretary of the Interior of the —·{¤i1¤r<= to reclaim. State’s a plication for the segregation of such lands; and if the State giesmrenerr to pea fails witllfin said ten years to cause the whole or any part of the lands uc d°m“l“· so segregated to be so irrig ’-eil and reclaimed, the Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, continue said segregation for a period of not exceedin five years, or may, in his discretion, restore such lands to the public domain. gogggggogrk-0 f Sec. 4. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorvalde of certain een- ized and directed to determine the value of certain condemned build- $j_’g;§;§,dblQ,“,§l‘;‘,{‘,§§h‘},$j ings formerly located on Hot Springs Mountain Reservation, and on ized.the east side of Valley street, in the city of Hot Springs, in the State of Arkansas, which buildings were condemned by the Hot Springs Commission, and proof of value taken- by said commission, under authority of law, and which were destroyed by fire on the night of the fifth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, before said commission had issued certificates for the value thereof, as they were authorized and directed, and did afterwards do for buildings similarly