Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1273

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 854. 1901. 122 I Sec. 190. Tun oonoNnn.——There shall continue to be a coroner of C°'°“°'· said District, who shall be appointed by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall receive a salary of one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum. Sec. 191. BoN1>.——The coroner before he acts as Such Shall, within "‘°°“d°f· thirty days after his appointment, ive bond to the United States, with security to be approved by the said supreme court and deposited with the clerk thereof, in the penalty of three thousand dollars, with a condition that he will well and truly execute the duties of his office, and well and faithfully execute and return all writs or other process to him directed, and will also pay and deliver to the person or persons entitled to receive the same all sums of money and all goods and chattels by him levied upon, seized, or taken, agreeably to the directions of the writ or process under which the same shall have been levied uplon, seized, or taken, and shall also satisfy and pay all judgments w ich may be rendered against him as coroner. _ Sec. 192. DU·1`1ns.—It Shall be the duty of the coroner to hold an -d““*’S~ inquest over any erson found dead in the District when the manner and cause of deatli) shall not already be known as accidental or in the course of nature. He shall make a monthly report to the Commissioners of the District of all inquests held by him during the month last past before said report, with a description as far as may be of the age, sex, color, and nationality of persons and the causes of their death, with such particulars as may be necessary to their identiiication; and as soon as possible after holdin such inquest he shall deliver to the property clerk of the police cipartment all moneys and other property and effects found upon the person of anyone on whom he shall hold an inquest. Sec. 193. He shall not summon any jury-of in uest over the body A°°*d°””ld€“‘h“· of a deceased erson where it is known that the (deceased came to his death by accidltent, mischance, or natural causes. Sec. 194. WrrNnssns.——Witnesses may be summoned and compelled “'““‘~*”°S· by the coroner to attend before him and give evidence, and shall be liable in like manner as if the summons had been issued by a justice of the peace. And it shall be his duty, upon every inquisition taken before him, where any person is charged with having unlawfully caused the death of the person on whom the inquest is held, to reduce the testimony of the witnesses to writing, and if the jury and that murder or manslaughter has been committed on the deceased, he shall require such witnesses as he thinks proper to give a recognizance to alppear and testify in saidxaiupreme court, and shall return to said court t e said inquisition and testimony and recognizance by him taken. Sec. 195. 1`here shall be paid to the jurors and witnesses who may §¤>‘ of iuwrs wd be lawfully summoned in any inquest the same-fees and compensation W mms` as are allowed to the jurors and witnesses attending the supreme court. S_ I c up A coroner’s jury shall consist of six persons. snr$e%ii·;S?ilS 0 ° Sec. 196. DnrU·rY oonoNnR.—The Commissioners of said District I’°*’“‘*'°°’°“"‘· shall have authority to appoint a deputy coroner, who shall assist the coroner in the performance of his duties aforesaid, and shall perform the same duties in case of the absence or disability of the coroner. He shall, while acting, receive com ensation at a rate not exceeding five dollars per day, to be paid as o&er expenses of said District, and he shall give bond in the penalty of two thousand five hundred dollars, with security to be approved bg the said supreme court, conditioned for the due performance of his uties. ‘D Sec. 197. Wnnn ·ro nxnotrrn rnoonss.—Whenever the marshal is exlgxi}, p§§§§gf” ‘° a part I to any cause or interested therein, or it is unfit on other grounds that he should serve and execute the process to be issued therein, such process shall be issued to the coroner, and he shall be paidthe same fees and compensation for serving and executing the