Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1366

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1314 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 854. 1901. new name assumed, and all the property and effects of such existing corporation shall vest in and belong to the corporation so reincorpo— ' rated or continued. 5“'°°"““*‘“"*°°“°S· J Sec. 757. SUBORDINATE BODIES.·—All}' subordinate body of any fraternal beneficial association incorporated under the provisions of this subchapter, or of such association now doing business or which may hereafter be admitted to do business in this District under this subchapter, swhere the laws of the governing body of said association do not prohibit the incorporation of their subordinate bodies, may become ‘““""¥""**“°""*· a body corporate in the manner following: At some re ular meetin of such subordinate body a resolution expressing the ciiesire of such subordinate body to be incorporated, and directing its officers to perfect Such incorporation, shall be submitted to a vote of the members present, and if two-thirds of the members present vote therefor the president and secretary of such subordinate body, or the officers holding relative offices therein, shall prepare articles of association, under their hands and the seal of such subordinate body, setting forth, first, ‘ the number of members of such subordinate body then in good stand-

 ing; second, the name by which said subordinate bod is known; third,
  • the date of its organization and the period for which it is to be incorporated, not exceedin thirty years. A copy of such articles of

association shall be filed with the recorder of deeds, and shall by him be recorded, together with the affidavit hereafter named, in a book to be kept for that purpose. On the execution of said articles of association and before the filing thereof with the recorder the secretary of such subordinate body shall annex thereto his affidavit, stating that he is a member in good standing in such subordinate body and occupies the position of secretary, or the office corresponding therewith, and that the resolution, a copy of which shall be set forth at length, was regularly assed at a regular meeting of said subordinate body and received the vote of two—thirds of the members present and votin , and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the statements made in the articles of association are true, and that such subordinate body is organized and acting under the laws of its respective association, ·P”“"’“· em giving the name by which such association is known. When the foregoing requirements are complied with such subordinate body shall be a body corporate by the name expressed in such articles, and by that name shall be a person in law, capable of suing and being sued in the courts, and takingand holding property of every kind the same as natural persons, and a copy of said articles of association, duly certified to by the recorder of deeds, shall be prima facie evidence in all courts and places of the existence and the due incorporation of such subordi- _ _ _ nate body. - b,§{;_,‘g,§§j,@';, {§"I§§_QS‘,,§ Sec. 758. Conrnaor INVALID ir BENEFICIARY TO PAY Assmssmnncrs.- sesments.No contract with any such association shall be valid when there is a contract, agreement, or understanding between the member and the beneficiary prior to or at the time of becoming a member of the association that the beneficiary, or any person for him, shall pay such n1ember’s assessments and dues, or either of them. m§g¤§{{$,h,gjn$§"Y** Sec. 7 59. Bnnnrrrs Exnmrr rnom ATTAQHMENT.T—Tl1G money or other benefit, charity, relief, or aid to be paid, provided, or rendered by any association authorized to do business under this subchapter shall not be liable to attachment, garnishment, or other process, and shall not be seized, taken, appropriated, or applied by any legal or equitable process, or by operation of law to pay any debt or liability of a certificate holder or of any beneficiary named in a certificate, or any person who may have any right thereunder. V M¤¢*i¤g¤· Sec. 760. Mr1m*r1Nes.—Any such association organized under the laws of said District may provide for the meetings of its legislative or governing body in any State, cduntry. province, or Territory wherein