Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1383

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FIFTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 854. 1901. 1331 ermit any lottery or policy lottery or policy shop on such premises, Ee shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, orbe imprisoned not more than one year, or both. Sec. 865. GAMING.—WhO€V€1’ shall in the District set up or keep Gamingany gaming table, or any house, vessel, or place, on land or water, for "pem W' the purpose of gaming, or gambling device commonly called A B C, faro bank, E O, roulette, equality, keno, thimbles, or little joker, or any kind of gaming table or gambling device adapted, devised, and designed for the purpose of playing any game of chance for money or property, or shall induce, entice, and permit any (person to bet or play at or upon any such gaming table or gambling evice, or on the side of or against the keeper thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of not more than five years. Sec. 866. Whoever in the District knowingly permits any gaming jig{1,sg§’mim¤g °¤ table, bank, or device to be set up or used for the purpose of gaming p ` in any house, building, vessel, shed, booth, shelter, lot, or other premises to him belonging or by him occupied, or of which at the time he has possession or control, shall be punished by imprisonment in the jail for not more than one year or by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or both. ` Sec. 867. THREE·CARD Moms, AND so roRrH.——-Whoever shall in ,,§"’€"‘°*`*’d m°“‘°· the District deal, play, or practice, or be in any manner accessory to the dealing or practicing, of the confidence game or swindle known as three-card monte, or of any such game, play, or practice, or any other confidence game, play, or practice, shall be deemed uilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exeee<§ng one thousand dollars and by imprisonment for not more than five years. Sec. 868. WHAT is GAMING rAm.E.—All games, devices, or contriv- mgjget i¤ Bemms ances at which money or any other thing shall be bet. or wagered ` shall be deemed a gaming table within the meaning of these sections; and the courts shall construe the preceding sections liberally, so as to prevent the mischief intended to be guarded against. Sec. 869. Poor. snnmne, AND so ronrH.—It shall be unlawful for P<>¤l S<=¤i¤s,¤¤¤- any person or association of persons in the cities of washington and Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, or within said District within one mile of the boundaries of said cities, to bet, gamble, or make books or pools on the result of any trotting race or running race of horses, or boat race, or race of any kind, or on any election or any contest of any kind, or game of base ball. Any person or association of persons violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars or be imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both. ~iO SUBoHA1>·rm>. Six. OFFENSES AGAINST MORALITY. mggggiss ageim Sec. 870. BIGANIX'.—`VhO€\’€l‘, having a husband or wife living, Big“mY· marries another shall be deemed guilty of bigamy, and on conviction thereof shall suffer imprisonment for not less than two nor more than seven years: Provided, That this section shall not apply to any person I’*‘<¤‘i$¤· whose husband or wife has been continually absent for five successive ·°K°€P“°¤S· years next before such marriage without being known to such person to be living within that time, or whose marriage to said living husband or wife shall have been dissolved by alvalid decree ofla competent court, or shall have been pronounced void by a valid decree of a competent court on the ground of the nullity of the marriage contract. Sec. 871. SEDUCTLON BY crEAeHnR.—Any male person, over twenty- w§c‘§,§,f‘ ° ‘ *° “ b Y one years of age, who is superintendent, tutor, or teacher in any public or private school, seminary, or other institution, or instructor of an * female in any branch of instruction, who has sexual intercourse with