Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1388

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1336 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 854. 1901. ‘$?'m“?€q“i"°d *°’ hook and line: Proczided urther, That an erson en a ed in takin mking lam such catfish, smelt, ehub,fbull minnows, a5f1d) erayfishgsfflall first havg rocured a written plermit from the said Commissioner of Fish and Pisheries to take suc bait for hook and-line fishing. BN- Sec. 897. BAsS.—No person shall catch or kill in the waters of the Potomac River or its tributaries within the District of Columbia any black bass (otherwise known as green bass and chub) or craplpie (otherwise known as calico bass and strawberry bass), between the first day of April and the first day of June of each year, nor have in possession nor expose for sale any of said species between the dates aforesaid, nor catch or kill any of said species of fish at any other time during the year except by angling, nor catch nor kill any of the aforesaid species by what are known as out lines or trot lines having a succession of hooks or devices. Shad Ol h°"i¤€· Sec. 898. SHAD OR HERRING.——It shall be unlawful for any person to have in possession or expose for sale in the District of Columbia after the tenth day of June in any year any fresh fish of the shad or herring species. Smullm ‘ SEc. 899. SMALL E1sH.—It shall be unlawful for any person to expose for sale in the District of Columbia at any time during the year any striped bass or rockfish or black bass having a length of less than nine inc es. Btgse Of éxplvsives. SEc. 900. USE or ExrLos1vEs, AND so roRTH.—1t shall be unlaw- ’ ful for any person to catch or kill in the waters of the Potomac River or its tributaries within the District of Columbia any fish by means of explosives, drugs, or poisons. - riggpgjgggeyf d<=l*>*€· Ec. 901. Dnrosrrs or DELETEn1oUs MATTER.—NO person shall ` allow any tar, oil, ammoniacal liquor, or other waste products of any gas works or works engagled in using such products, or any waste pro - uct whatever of any mee anical, chemical, manufacturing, or refining establishment to flow into or be deposited in Rock Creek or the`Potoma.c River or any of its tributaries within the District of Columbia or into any pipe or conduit leading to the same. P°"““i*’S· Sec. 902. PENALT1Es.—Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of the six next preceding sections shall be ined for each and every such ofense not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and in default of payment of fine shall be imprisoned for a. fofgghglg ****6 *0 *¤· period not exceeding six months; and any officer or other person secur- ’ing such conviction shall be entitled to and receive one—half of any fine or fines imposed upon and paid by the party or parties adjudged guilty. €tQlSgi°1j;§f’¤ of ¤€'#¤· Sec. 903. All nets, boats, or other contrivaneesthe property of any ` person convicted under the provisions of the preceding sections shall be returned to the property clerk of the Metropolitan olice department, to be delivered to the owner upon the order of tllfne court, and if not called for within six months by the claimant the same shall be treated as other abandoned property coming into the hands of the police. SUBCHAPTER EIGHT. G°“°“’l "’°"'“‘i°“" GENERAL PROVISIONS. D°‘“}i_“°“ °f lem SEo. 904. DEFINITION or TERMs.—Except where such a construction

,Q,_ll""‘“g"““d°`p“‘ would be unreasonable, the words "writing" and " paper," wherever

mentioned in this chapter, are to be taken to include instruments wholly _ in writing or wholly printed, or partly printed and partly in writing.

{.§‘..f¥»"‘h‘“g 0* Sec. 905. The words "anything of value," wherever they occur in

this chapter, shall be held to include not only things possessing intrinsic value, but bank notes and other forms of paper money, and commercial paper and other writings which represent value.