Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1500

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1448 FIFTY-SIXTH concnnss. sm. II. ons. sm sn. 1901. 7 1*1*1*011 3-1901- CHAP. 870.--An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act conferring on the supreme _ court of the District of Columbia jurisdiction to take proof of the execution of wills affecting real estate, and for other purposes/’ approved June eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Riywesentatives of the United DI§$:g;2¤g;<g?;L1;1¤l1j;;*:i States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act entitled "An or wiiissnectingseai Act conferring on the suplreme court of the District of Columbia juris- °§‘§§ffg0,p_ ,3,’am€,,d_ diction to take proof of the execution of wills affecting real estate, and ed- for other purposes," approved June eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, be, and it hereby, amen ed by adding thereto three segtions, to be designated as sections thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen, W ich will read as follows: 1’.¤b11¤§11°¤ 01 "SEo. 13. In all cases where it is made to a ear to the satisfaction DOHCG to UHKHOWH .pp · next eskmrbmsiug. of the court that all or any of the next of kin or heirs at law of the deceased are unknown such unknown next of kin or heirs at law may be proceeded against alnd described in the publication of notice hereinbefore provide for as "the unknown next of kin,’ or »‘the unknown heirs at law,’ as the case may be, of the deceased, and by such publication of such notice under such designation such unknown next of kin and heirs at law shall be as eifectually bound and concluded as if known and their names were specifically set forth in said order of publication. u1;g1¤1i¢gti¤gEsl§l¤ig§ "SEo. 14. In case any will shall have been heretofore admitted to aills Oillersmgm pro· probate upon publication against unknown heirs or next of kin, any per-

  • ’“"’d “““‘°"“d· son interested may file a petition for further probate of such will,

alle ing that the heirs at law or next of kin of the deceased or some of Siem, as the case mav be are unknown, and u on satisfactor . . ~ ¤ . . P Y showing being made to the court publication of notice may be made against the unknown next of kin or heirs at law of the deceased, and rgieviigés probate upon tsuch plublicaitiion being rlpade, as required by thie cougth a decree °°“ ““ i° °· may e ma e con rming suc revious probate an suc ecree so made shall be as eHectual as if the said heirs at law or next of kin were named in the order of publication. Distributee sua not “Sec. 15. If any will be hereafter held invalid in any action begun g;s¤·;,;<g,;,,·;;¤;w$.1g;,>;$ after distribution made of the property by the executor or executrix

daggjlsfwards 1¤· in good faith, with tlile approval of the court, without knowledge on

' his or her part of suc invalidity and without notice that such action . was intended, the distributees of the property, and- not 'such executor or executrix, shall be answerable for the property or its value to the person or persons entitled thereto." Approved, March 3, 1901. March 3.1901- CHAP. 871.-An Act To amend section fifty-one hundred and fifty-three of the ‘_°”T‘"— Revised Statutes of the United States. Be it enacted 6 the Senate and House 0 Re esentatiees of the United p0l§,"{§§,§§l },’§“*,§f,b‘j§é States of America in Congress assembled, at section fifty-one hunggseygéeggept mw- dred and fifty-three of the Revised Statutes of the United States be ` amended to read as follows: jggggtiog ¤Igwgg· "SEc. 5153. All national banking associations, designated forthat Kiaskaem.purpose by the Secretary of the reasury, shall be depositaries of public money, except receipts from customs, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary, but receipts derived from duties on imports in Alaska, the Hawaiian Islands, and other islands m1jé!§H;gC·5153»P· 99*1 under the jurisdiction of the United States may be deposited in such ` depositaries subject to such regulations and such depositaries may also be emlployed as Hnancial agents of the Government; andthey shall . perform a such reasonable duties as depositaries of public moneys