Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1548

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1496 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 17T,179,181. 1900. pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the ension laws, the name of Serelda C. McGrew, widow of James A. MIdGrew. late pilot and seaman on the United States steamship Carondelet. United State; Navy, and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per mont . Approved, April 4. 1900. April 5,1900. CHAP. 179.-Au Act For the relief of the estate of George W. Lawrence. Be it enacted by the Sezzrde cmd Ifeuse of Rq2re.s·e¢z.taz‘z`v,~es of the United mgceccrgc W. Law- States of America {ln, OO2I.g7‘€88 assembled, That the claim of G€0l‘g€_“’. ` gawrence for fulgther compenqation for the COYlStl'l1Ct10ll of the United tates monitor W assuc under is contract with the Navy Department h£qu;{:;;{I$t:1gra)sn¤r;ig; of June second, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, may be submitted coumofcongmcting by his personal representatives within six months after the passage ¤¤°¤i°°*"“'¤SS“°·" of this Act to the Court of Claims, under and in compliance with the rules and regulations of said court, and said court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine and render judgment upon the same: _L{’£gg;gi· in plans Provided, fwwerver, That the investigation of said claim shall be made etcqtobeascertnincdi upon the following basis: The said court shall ascertain the additional cost which was necessarily incurred by the contractor for the construction of the ironclad monitor \Vassuc under said contract in the completion of the same by reason of any changes or alterations in the plans and specifications required and delays in the prosecution ·—-must: have been ee- of the work: Preezded further, That such changes or alterations in the §”§§§§’,‘2,'f§,§§_th€ Gm" plans and specifications required were occasioned by the Government of the United Statesglbqt no allowance for any advance in the price of labor or material s a l—be considered unless such advance occurred during Ehedprolqpged Erma hg completing the wogk beginning Flebruar r t ir , ei teen un re and sixty-four, an then onl * w en suchbadvance cdruld not have been avoided by the exercise of oidinary prudegrgce gud rldliligence on the partfiof the clpntractorc Andd_722i;»· Compensation for vided uri er, at the compensation xed by the contractor an the QQ? mc ““°““‘°“*’· Government for specific alterations in advance of such alterations shall be conclusive as to the compensation to be made therefor: Pro/vided, Eglajgegigztcég fgajgj That such alterations, when made, complied with the specifications of mens. the same as furnished by the Government aforesaid: And provided D°d¤¤*i<>¤S- fura}/z.e0·, That all moneys paid to said contractor by the Government over and above the original contract price for building said vessel shall be deducted from any amounts allowed by said court by reason of the 1l'121tt€1`S hereinbefore stated: A-72dp2·02v`ded femfher, That if any such changes caused less work and expense to the contractor than the original plans and specifications a corresponding deduction shall be made from the contract price and the amount thereof shall be deducted from any allowance which may be made by said court to said claimant. Approved, April 5, 1900. April 7.1900- CHAP. 181.-—An Act Granting a pension to Elizabeth Johns. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of lfe n·eSe22Z¢rt2'v.~es of the [hailed 1*§;§;*g§j_h J°*‘“S- States of America in Congress assenzbled, hat they Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on . the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of Elizabeth Johns, widow of Joseph Johns. late a member of the so-called Black Brigade of Cincinnati. and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. Approved, April 7. 1900.