Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/190

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138 FLFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. p Cns. 251-253. 1900. that eight dollars per month are insutlioient to provide them the necessaries of life, irrespective of the date of the granting of the said service pension. Approved, April 23, 1900. ·‘-Pm 001000- CHAP. 252.—An.Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act in relation to taxes and UU" tax sales in the District of Columbia." Be it enacted by the Senate cmd Hbuse of Representatives of the United ]§§’§f§$,”D‘;*,$§§‘g',‘}b§§‘,; States of America in Congress assembled, That section four of the Act cwnerofvreperwsold of February twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, entif°biii°§istz, v¤1.3c,p, tled "An Act in relation to taxes and tax sales in_the District of "*52·“m°“d°"· Columbia," be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out all after the word "sale"’ in line eight of said section. ‘ Approved, April 23, 1900. April 23,1900. CHAP. 253.-An Act Making appropriations to supply additional urgent defi- —`_"_Y* ciencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House g` Rqiresentatives of the United pr§§§§;gf*°i€“ “PP"* States of America in Congress assemble , That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appro(priated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate , to supply deficiencies in the approriations for the Hscal year nineteen undred, and for other o ]ects Eereinafter stated, namely: Unitedstatescourts. UNITED STATES COURTS. Marshals- For payment of salaries, fees, and expenses of United States marshals and their deputies, one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars, to include payments for services rendered in behalf of the United States or otherwise. _ J¤¤¤f¤· For fees of jurors, fifty-five thousand dollars. Wi¢¤¢¤¤¤S- For fees of witnesses, one hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars. €1£_gg¢¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤ <>¤· For payment of such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized Pby the Attorney-General, for the United States courts and their oflicers, including the furnishing and collecting of evidence where the United States is or may be a party in interest, and moving of records, thirty thousand dollars. R¤¤1>xg3§5i%§g%cg§ The unexpended balance of the sum of one hundred thousand doliéimiggcang prism, lars, appropriated by the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred et%o1.26,p.839. and ninety-one, entitled "An ct for the erection o United States prisons and for the imprisonment of United States prisoners, and for other purposes," to be expended under the direction of the Attorney- General in the fittin of worksho s for the employment of prisoners, and the unexpendef balance of the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, appropriated by the sundry civil appropriation Act, approved July

 - first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eig. t, to enable the Attorney-

General and the Secretary of the Interior. to have prepared lans, —io»- prison site east specifications, and estimates, and for expenses connected with the §’{£°°ky M°“"°“”°’ selection of a prison site south of the thirty-ninth degree of north V°*-30- 0-0*1- latitude and east of the Rocky Mountains are hereby made available in addition to and for the same pur oses as the sum of five hundred thousand dollars appropriated by tli)e sundry civil appropriation Act fgrianm 1>¤¤i¤<=¤- approved March t 1I`d, eighteen hundred and ninety-mne, for the ul’gl.30,p. ms. erection, complete, of a United States penitentiary at Atlanta, Georgia, and for expenses incident thereto, the same to continue available until expended, - -