Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1965

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CONVENTION-——PORTUGAL. MAY 22, 1899. 191 3 Reciprocity with Portugal. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES or AMERICA. __ Mw 22.1899- A PROCLAMATION. Whereas His Most Faithful Majesty the King of Portugal and of the mf,-’§{‘“,§§,{°{»€,,u“‘§’,$f" Algarves has entered into a rec1procal Commercial Agreement with the $¤§¤§¤3b;¢é03 United States of America pursuant to and in accordance with the pro-’` VISIODS of Section 3 of the TariH_ Act of the United States approved July 24, 1897, which Agreement IS in the English text in the words and figures following, to wit: "The President of the United States of America. and His Most Faithful Majesty the Kin(g of Portugal and of the Algarves, equally animated by the desire to confirm the goo understanding existing between them and to increase the commercial intercourse of the two countries, have deemed it expedient to enter into a reciprocal commercial Agreement to that end; and they have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries for that purpose, to wit: The President of the United States of America, the Honorable John A. Kasson, Special Commissioner Plenipotentiary; and His Most Faithful Majesty, the Viscount de Santo-Thyrso, His Majesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington: Who, after an exchagge of their respective full Powers, found to bein due and proper form, have agre upon the following Articles: Am·1c1.E I. Upon the following articles of commerce being the product of the soil or industry Reduced d¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ of Portugal or of the Azores and Madeira Islands imported into the United States P°"“‘g“°“° l"°d“°°‘· the present rates of duty shall be reduced and shall hereafter be as follows, namely :— Upon argols, or crude tartar, or wine lees, Eve per centum ad valorem. Upon still wines in casks, thirty-Eve cents per gallon; in bottles, per case of one dozen bottles, containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles containing not more than one pint, one dollar and twenty-five cents per case; and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles shall be subject to a duty of four cents per pint or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed upon the bottles. Upon spark ing wines, in bottles containing not more than one quart and more than one pint, six dollars per dozen; containing not more than one pint each and more than one-half pint, three dollars per dozen; containing one·ha f pint each or less, one dollar and fi y cents per dozen; in bottles or other vessels containing more than one quart each, in addition to six dollars per dozen bottles, on the quantities in excess of one réuart, at the rate of one dollar and ninety cents (per gallon. Upon bran ies or other spirits manufactured or distille from grain or other materials, whether the product of Portugal or of the Portuguese Possessions, one dollar and seventy-five cents per proof gallon. Y Upon paintings in oil or water colours, pastels, pen and ink drawings and Statuary, fifteen per centum ad valorem. ARTICLE II. Reciprocally and in consideration of the preceding concessions, upon the following .0,, United States articles of commerce being the products of the soil or indust;5 of the United States importsimported into the Kingdom of Portugal and the Azores and M eira Islands, the rates of duty shall be as low as those accorded to any other country (Spain and Brazil being excepted from this provision) namely: Tariff No. 325 Flour of cereals, except wheat. Tariff No. 326 Maize in the grain. Tariff No. 327 Wheat in the grain. Tariff No. 354 Lard and grease. Tariff No. 97 Tariff No. 98 Mineral oils, and their products not elsewhere specified in the Tariff. Tariff No. 99