Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/200

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148 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 339. 1900. ArI·onTIoNMENT. APP°“l°“m‘·’“*· Sec. 39. That the electors in the said districts shall be entitled to elect representatives as follows: In the first district, four; In the second district, four; In the third district, six; In- the fourth district, six; In the fifth district, six; In the sixth district, four. QUALIFICATIONS OF REPRESENTATIVES. Qunlifiwiunsnfrelr Sec. 40. That in order to be eliglible to be a member of the house of memauvgi repfesentatives a person shall, at the time of electionave attained ‘t e age of twenty-five years; Be a male citizen of the United States; Have resided in the Hawaiian Islands not less than three years; And shall be qualihed to vote for representatives in the district from which he is elected. Legislation- LEGISLATION. SESSIONS or THE LEGISLATURE. la§§;gi¤¤l¤·>f lll•¤l€gi¤* Sec. 41. That the first regular session of the leglislature shall be ` held on the third Vlfednesday in February, nineteen undred and one, and biennially thereafter, in Honolulu. . Sec. 42. That neither house shall adjourn during any session for more than three days, or sine die, without the consent of the other. —dur•ni¤n of- Sec. 43. That each session of the legislature shall continue not longer Prgvwqb than sixty days, excluding Sundays and holidays: Provided, /wwe/ver, '°x mm “' That the governor may extend such session for not more than thirty days. Specinlnciuinn- The governor may convene the legislature, or the senate alone, in special session, and, in case the seat of government shall be unsafe Cgegggn nrnrheilhnu from an enemy, riot, or insurrection, or any dangerous disease, direct Pthat any regular or special session shall be hel at some other than the regular meeting p ace. ENACTING CLAUSE—ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Enuclins clause- Sec. 44. That the enacting clause of all laws shall be, “Be it enacted ` by the legislature of the Territory of Hawaii.” English language- All legislative proceedings shall be conducted in the English language. TITLE or LAWS. Tim °“*""S· Sec. 45. That each law shall embrace but one subject, which shall be expressed in its title. READING or BILLS. Rcuding °fb*“S- Sec. 46. That a bill in order to become a law shall, except as herein provided, pass three readings iqgeach house, on separate days, the

  • ““**ll’**”“g°· iinal passage of which in eac house shall be by a majority vote of all

the members to‘ which such house is entitled, taken by ayes and noes and entered upon its journal.