Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2014

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1962 I>RocLAMA*r1oNs. Nas. 10, 11. contemporaries. His rivate character was gentle and noble. He will long be mourned by his friends as a man of sin ular purity and attractiveness whose sweetness of disposition won alliearts, while his elevated purposes, his unbending integrity and whole-hearted devotion to the public good deserved and acquired universal respect and esteem. bjsggggijggmcés *0 In sorrowing testimony of the loss which has fallen upon the ’country, I direct that on the day of the funeral the Executive OfHces of the United States shall be closed and all posts and stations of the Army and Navy shall display the national Hag at half-mast, and that the representatives of the United States in foreign countries shall pay appropriate tribute to the illustrious dead for a period of thirty days. In witness whereof I have set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be aflixed. » Done at the City of Washington this twenty-first day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred [snail.] and ninety-nine and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-fourth. WILLIAM M·cK1NLI·1Y. By the President: J oHN HAY Secretary of State. [No. 11.] . AP"H7·19°°· BY run Pnnsrnniwr or run UNITED Srarns or AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. P““mb]"’· Whereas, the Olympic Forest. Reserve, in the State of Washington, V°1·29*p·9°1‘ was established by proclamation dated February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, under and by virtue of section twenty- V°1·26*p·u°3‘ four of the Act of Congress, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, "An act to re eal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes ", which provides, “That the President of the United States may, rom time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territory having public lands wholly or in part covered with timber or undergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare the establishment of such reservations and the limits thereof "; And whereas, it is further provided by the Act of Congress, approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled, V‘“·3°’p·3"· "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes ”, that "TIie President is hereby authorized at any time to modify any Executive order that has been or may hereafter be made establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification may reduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or inay vacate altogether any order creating such reserve"; · ‘ seQg'g(P;§h§`ggQ§,§,P€‘ Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United — States, by virtue of the power vested in me by the aforesaid act of Congress, approved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, do hereby make known and proclaim that there are hereby withdrawn and excluded from the aforesaid Olympic Forest Reserve and restored to the public.domain all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of land particularly described as follows, to wit: g§j1Q‘d;n‘(§*f,;g,;QC{V,‘g Townships twenty-eight (28) North, Ranges thirteen (13) and four-- pubiic dvmm teen (14) N est, Willamette Base and Meridian, WVashington; fractional