Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2039

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION, FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. VOLUNTEER SOLD1ERS’ HOME. D<~>cember14.1899. Resolved by the Houseqf Representatives (the Senate eoneurwtng), That HV¤1¤¤¤•¤¤¤· Soldiers. there be rinted of the Report of the Board of Managers of the ixgditional copies National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, in addition to the {,§§Q{§g_"‘°·· °'d"’°d usual number, five hundred copies of the report proper, Eve hundred copies of the re ort of the Assistant inspector-general on the State homes, and one Eundred and fifty copies of the record of members. for the use of the House. Passed the House December 8, 1899. Passed the Senate December 14, 1899. HOLIDAY RECESS, 1899-1900. December 14. 1899. Resobved by the Hause ofR@resentatéves (the Senate cmwuwwf ), That Hvlidw r¤<·¤·~—- when the two Houses adjourn on Wednesday, the twentieytg day of December, they stand adjourned until twelve 0’clock, meridian, on Vifednesday, January third, nineteen hundred. Passed the House December 13, 1899. Passed the Senate December 14. 1899. REPORT OF MAJ. GEN. E. s. OTIS. ¤><>¢¤¤¤*·<·r¤- 1899- Resetved by the Senate (the Home of Rep2~esentat2}ves concurring), That E igérmitgef Mei Gwthe Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to print, in 1 `Akianiliqm copies excess of the one thousand copies authorized by the Act of January °'d°“’d *’"‘“"‘l· twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninet *-five, five thousand co ies of the annual report of Major-General E. Otis, United States Xpolunteers, commanding the Department of the Pacific and Eighth Army Corps and military governor in the Philippines, dated August thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine. one thousand copies for the use of the Senate, two thousand copies forthe use of the House of Representatives, and two thousand copies for the use of the War Depaftmwt. Passed the Senate December 13, 1899. Passed the House December 14, 1899. 1987