Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2044

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1992 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Apri124,&O;_~ ELENDER HERRING. gender irerrinsz Resobved by the Senate (the House of Representattces coneuweing), That bliii§SssYsd.p€”sl°“ the President be requested to return to the Senatethe bdll of the Senate numbered 1265, “Granting a pension to Elender Herring." Passed the Senate April 14, 1900. Passed the House April 24, 1900. April 25,1900. REPORT FIELD OPERATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF SOILS. Fia*.d.QPa*a¤<>¤.S af Resohzedb the Houseo Re resentatives (the Senate concuwi , That thiiri)iililig)n¤(if§Z)i>§i¤ there be rigfited from tllfe stgreotype plates now in the Goxgnment "‘d°’°d· Printing Bffice an extra edition of thirteen thousand copies of Re ort numbered Sixty-four of the De artment of Agriculture entitled Flield Operations of the Division of Soils in eighteen hundred and ninety- nine; two thousand copies for distribution by Members and Delegates of the House of Representatives; one thousand copies for distribution by Senators, and ten thousand copies for distribution by the Secretary of Agriculture. Passed the House April 14, 1900. Passed the Senate April 25, 1900. APri127,1900. RESEAROHES, ETC., AMERICAN ABORIGINES. mQgf*‘°’*°°“‘ “b°’ig· Resotved by the House 0_fRepresentat@}ves (the Senate cmwuwng), That Printing ordered of there be printed at the Government Printing Office eight thousand

’§}§{,1§§ M25 C§§Z copies of any matter furnished by the Director of t& Bureau of

°°'¤m€- American Ethnology relating to researches and discover S connected with the study of the American aborigines, the same to be issued as bulletins uniform with the annual re orts, one thousand five hundred of which shall be for the use of the Slenate, three thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, and three thousand five hundred for distribution by the Bureau. Passed the House April 7, 1900. Passed the Senate April 27, 1900. May 7, 1900. MARGARET H. KENT. Margaret H- Kam- Resolved?} the Senate (the ]I0use0 R resentatiees coneurré That mii(ii>Lgiissi;nl)€uS1°H the Presidezt be requested to relfurnqto the Senate the riiiils the Senate numbered 2332, “Granting an increase of pension to Margaret H. Kent." Passed the Senate May 7, 1900. Passed the House May 7. 1900. MayI1,1900. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION DOCUMI~;NTs, Ti¤¢Sm“‘“g“i““h{· Resolvedb the Senate (the Houseo Re ;resentattveseo¢zeu2·rzT , That ztidilflufl D0 ummm there be prid/ted of "The Smithsoniéan Iiistitution Document1;Qelativa Pmmug °rd€“’d‘ to its Origin and History,” seven thousand copies, of which fifteen hundred copies shall be for the use of the Senate, three thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and two thousand five hundred copies for the use of the Smithsonian Institution. Passed the Senate April 26, 1900. o Passed the House May 11, 1900, with the following amendments: (Amendments incorporated in the foregoing.)