Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2048

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HMG CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Junca, 1900. Wi DIGEST (TF DECISIONS, ETC., SENATE, ETC. _uj2,igg;§_eQ,f€!glt;<;{§iQ{]; Resoboed by the Senate (the Ifouse of Representatives oonqurrtng), That s$is,`..;¤. mai- there be printed three thousand additional copies of Senate Miscel- {}gQ‘};d?°¥·*°‘ ""’°'°d laneous Document Two hundred and seventy-eight, second session, Fifty-third Con ress, the same being a “Digest of decisions and precedents of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, relating to their powers and privileges respecting their members and officers and to investigations, contempts, libels, contumacious witness, expulsions, etc.," as revised and new matter added, together with decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States and other courts, of which one thousand copies shall be for the use of the Senate and two thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives. Passed the Senate, January 15, 1900. Passed the House June 5, 1900. June 5,1900. STATUE OF GEN. ULYSSES S. GRANT. _S¤m¤e of Gen- S· Resobved by the Senate (the House of Repa·esmtattoes oonouxvrzin ), That X,flf,§§,gp.§{.°Li,°`E,(ij!l,€.i there be printed and bound, in the form of eulogies, thirteen thousand (med P**¤*°d·°‘“- and fifty copies of the proceedings in Congress upon the reception and acceptance of the statue of General Ulysses S. Grant, presented by the Grand Army of the Republic, of which four thousand shall be for the use of the Senate, eight thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, one thousand to be delivered to the committee of the Grand Army of the Republic on the Grant memorial, and the remaining fifty, bound in full morocco, to be presented to Mrs. Julia rhowgravure- Dent Grant; and the Public Printer is directed to procure a photogravure of said statue and a photogravure likeness of General Grant to accompany said proceedings. Passed the Senate, May 29, 1900. Passed the House, June 5, 1900. June 5,1900. EULOGIES ON HON. RICHARD P. BLANI'). Richard P. Bland. Reset/ved by the Senate (the House of Representatives eonea/rntng), That ‘.j3$§2§“e,f°§}§Z,§§ there be printed six thousand additional copies of the eulogies upon primed- the late Richard P. Bland, a Representative from the State of Missouri; of which two thousand copies shall be for the use of the Senate and four thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives. Passed the Senate, May 31, 1900. Passed the House, June 5, 1900. ,,,,,6 ,,,,,0,, s·rA*ruBs or THOMAS H. BENTON AND FRANCIS 1*. BLAIR. statues of Thomas Reset/ved by the Senate (the House of Rqwesentattnes eoncuwtng), That gg €%$¥_°`I§(,IQ§’;§Z there be printed and bound of the proceedings in Congress upon the ,j;§Sé;_’,;*d¤I§I€,*§2{f°° 0*- acceptance of the statues of the late Thomas H. Benton and Francis P. Blair, presented by the State of Missouri, sixteen thousand Eve hundred copies, of which five thousand shall be for the use of the Senate, ten thousand for the use of the House of Representatives, and the remaining one thousand five hundred shall be for the use and distribution by the governor of Missouri; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby directed to have printed an engraving of said statues to accompany said proceedings, said engravings to be paid for out of the appropriation for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. assed the Senate, May 31, 1900. Passed the House, June 5, 1900.