Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2057

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. 2005 VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS, HOME. F€b’““’*'2‘Q’L1_ Resolved by the Ifovse of Rqoresentatives (the Senate concurring), That H,Y,§’,i§“‘°°’ S°1‘l‘°”' there be rinted of the Re ort of the Board of Managers of the Mgisvefgqef Bggégrgg National Home for Disablecf) Volunteer Soldiers, in addition to the pnnbiii ` usual number, five hundred copies of the report proper, five hundred copies of the report of the assistant inspector—genera.l on the State Homes, and one hundred and fifty copies of the record of members, for the use of the Home. Passed the House of Representatives February 9, 1901. Passed the Senate February 26, 1901. DIGEST HOUSE ooNTEsTED ELECTION oAsEs. F°*"““’*’”—“’°‘· Resolved by the Ifoase of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That ,,§,2§S° °f R°p‘°S°‘“` there be printed and substantially bound two thousand copies of "A e,Q}&§§¤¤c&ggg$¤¤¤§g digest of all the contested election cases in the House of Representa— (me¤p¤·1me&1.` tives of the United States from the first to the fifty-sixth Congress, inclusive, compiled by Chester H. Rowell, fifteen hundred for the useof the House, and five hundred for the use of the Senate, and that in addition to said number there be printed and substantially bound five hundred copies, the same to be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the House, and distributed from time to time on his order, and that there be further printed and substantially bound the additional number of fifty copies, ten each to be deposited in the Library of the House of Representatives and in the rooms of the Committees on Elections, and- ten to be delivered to the Com iler. - Passed the House of Representatives Fldbruary 25, 1901. Passed the Senate February 27, 1901. EMPLOYEES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Resolved by the Hoase of Representatives (t/te Senate concurring), That ,m¥§,gs“S° °‘ R°P*°¤°¤*# the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses co¤ierence_ cqmon the amendments of the Senate to the b111(H. R. 12291) making §‘ci?°§i§",},$,$Sl°{,Q§§Z$g appropriations for legislative, executive, and judicial expenses are gfggincgegggygggg authorized to include in their report such alterations, changes, and House employees. recommendations as they may deem proper with reference to so much of the text of said bill as relates to the officers and employees of the Houseinf Representatives. Passed the House of Representatives February 26, 1901. Passed the Senate February 27, 1901. HENRY B. SHELL. I"°"'“**'>’ 2"·1°°*· Resolved the Houseo R esentatives (tbe Senate concurrin , That H°‘“'y B·Sh"’"· the Presideift be requestiid tdjfbturn to the House the bill of the)House bilibtilinsqgbsiieiilsion (H R 9903) “Granting an increase of pension to Henry B. Shel1." ` Passed the House of Representatives February 27, 1901. Passed the Senate February 27, 1901. ATLAS CHICKAMAUGA AND CHATTANOOGA BATTLEFIELDS. jjbfuary 28-1901- Resolved the House of Re resentatives (the Senate concarrin ), That A“” C*“§,k**m°“g”f there be prgiyted four thousadjd extra copies of the Atlas of theilhicka- ilgiiqidiitm mm but manga and Chattanooga Battlefields, with such additional positions as Pmmug °rd°r°d‘